Many students getting benefits from after-school jobs

Juniors Alex Moore and Jenny Dudash both recognize the benefits of their after-school jobs.


By Kelsey Schnieders

Recently, many students have been making the decision to get an after-school job.  Students are busier now than ever, but a job can offer many great experiences and have lots of benefits for students.  Not only can a job help a student earn money, but it can also offer experience in the workforce and even help them get ahead in a future career path.

High school students get jobs for many reasons, but the first most common explanation is simply for money.  Junior Jenny Dudash said, “I wanted to get a job because I didn’t want to take my parents’ money and save up money for college.”  Junior Alex Moore felt the same way, adding, “I needed to get a car and pay for gas.”  Not only does a job offer a source of income, but it can even offer great job experience that can help in college and careers students want to pursue after high school.

Dudash said she would like to be a physical therapist, so her job as a lifeguard at LifePlex has offered her a lot of experience.  “I had to take first aid classes, and others,” she said.  “They have a lot to deal with the medical programs.”  Moore’s job at Pilgrim Manor will also help her in the medical field.  “I want to help people,” she said.  “I think I want to be a doctor.”  Junior Britney Horvath isn’t sure what career she wants to pursue yet, but knows that regardless a job will help her have experience in the work force.

A job can offer students first hand experience in a career they’re interested in.  For some, it can even change their mind about their possible career path.  Moore said she still would like to be a doctor, but her work in the nursing home has helped expose her to a lot of the things she would see every day as a doctor.  She said that although she wants to help people, she’s not sure she’d be able to deal with getting so close to people who can be so bad off.

Having a job as a high school student offers many benefits aside from just making money.  “You learn responsibility,” said Horvath.  Dudash agreed, saying, “I think some of the benefits students will get will be that they don’t have to rely on anyone for money and become smarter with their money.”  Moore enjoys just being around people and having new experiences.  “I love hearing old stories that seem like they have a big impact on me from other people,” she said.

Students are very busy nowadays, but a job offers many benefits.  Not only can it help students pay for college, but it can also offer them experiences that can put them ahead in a career they wish to pursue.

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