Seniors in the Athletic Department Reflect on Their Past and Future



Senior Hayden Skirvin in action during Plymouth vs. Goshen game. Photo By Gina Rodeghero



By Casey McDonald

It is difficult for athletes to overcome their fears and push to their max to make them the best student athlete possible.  Making a great last impression is not only difficult, but could be fearful.  But for these persevering athletes, cheerleaders, and determined trainers/managers are set on making a great last impression in their PHS fall season.

Senior Andrew Youst yells for his teammates as he sets up for a kick. Photo Contributed by Yearbook

From football to soccer, volleyball to cross country, managers to trainers, and cheerleaders are all part of a great fall organization.  There are several senior athletes that push themselves to the max to make themselves the best they can be at their preferred sport.  Senior Girls Soccer Players Danielle Becktel and Alayna Holmquest are two other senior athletes, and even though they are not captain, they are leaders.  Becktel says that their captains are Maggie Morrow, Krista Vanlue, and Stephanie Rosas.   Senior Boys Soccer Player Andrew Youst said that he loves playing soccer. Senior Varsity Volleyball player Kelly Hoeffler said that she enjoys playing the game and that she is kind of captain because, “We have different captains every game,” she stated.  Boys Cross Country Senior Matt Lee said, “As of right now we do not have any captains, but Diego Ibarra and I pretty much just took that position.” Senior Golfer Mandy McPherron is also another one of our senior athletes said, “I am the lone senior captain.” Senior Football Player Hayden Skirvin is has been playing football since he can remember, and loves every minute of it.  Behind all of the athletes are some hard working girls that put some time and effort into everything they do. The Plymouth Rockies have two determined senior girls who would do anything for the team.  Senior Trainer Shaylee Vice is one adament young lady who goes above and beyond to help each and every football player. Vice says, “Being part of the football team has really been an amazing experience! I have made a lot of good, solid friendships with these people, and I have so many great memories from all the times we have had together! I would not trade these people or my position for the world!”  Another girl is senior Manager Hunter Sharp, who said that there is no other place she would rather be during the fall sport season other than football. “The boys, coaches, and other managers/trainers are family to me. I have been blessed to make so many friends and memories in the past three years by being a part of the team.”  And the cheerleaders as well put a lot of time and effort into everything that they do.  Senior Cheerleader Olivia Hilliard said, “I’m a Captain for fall cheerleading, we voted during cheerleading camp.”


There are many reasons why students play different sports.  But each athletes has their own feeling when they participating in this sport.  Becktel comments, saying that she loves playing soccer because it’s a contact sport, and it’s fun to get into the game and show people how you play. She continues on to say, “A lot of people underestimate me because I may not be the biggest person on the team, but I am starting varsity on defense, and many people don’t expect that!”  Holmquest added saying “It is a rush [playing soccer]! I love being in the game, it is my family out there with me, and it does not get any better than that!”  Skirvin continued on saying, “It’s one of the best feelings in the world to be able to represent and entire community on Friday nights.  There is nothing else that can even come close to that feeling.”

For all different athletes, there are different reason onto why they do their sport.  “I started playing soccer when I was really young, and I’ve always loved it. It’s really fun to play! Our team has played together for many years, and I love the feeling that I have a second family in the soccer team,” Becktel said.  While Skirvin said, “I play football because I love it.  It is something that my dad has taught me since I was a very little kid and it’s also something that I will teach my kids in the future.  It runs in the family with my grandpa being a hall of fame coach, with my dad coaching, and now with my brother playing at Taylor University.”  Hoeffler said that she has been playing since she was little, and it is something she grew up with and it is really fun for her. Lee said that he loves to run.  He also adds that running is his thing, it is what he does best.

When a student athlete gets involved in a sport they really like during high school, they tend to play the next year.  These student athletes have been playing for multiple years.  “I have been playing this sport as long as I can remember.  I grew up playing in the back yard dreaming of Friday nights and now I am living it,” Skirvin said.  While Lee said that he races more than just for PHS during the school year, saying, “I have been in Cross Country since sixth grade.  This will be my seventh year in Cross Country. Besides just running meets that the school has during fall, during the summer I go to many different races that are held around Indiana.”  McPherron states that she has been playing golf since the sixth grade, along with playing for the high school, and then in the different summer tours available.  “Since I was eight, I have been participating in volleyball.  I was in little kids camps, junior volleyball leagues, Goshen summer leagues, and Knox summer leagues,” Hoeffler said.

Being an athlete, and performing in front of many families and children can sometimes be nerve-racking.  But nothing is more nerve-racking than being an role model for that one little boy or girl watching that athlete from the stand.  Even if they do not know it, every minute student athletes are being watched and imitated by a child in the crowd.  “I really hope [that I

am a role model], that is something that would be nice to know that I am someone that little kids look up to,” Youst said.  Along with Hoeffler who agreed saying that she thinks she is a role model because she feels that how she has followed through playing the sport all twelve years of school, and never gave up, she has impacted children.  “Yes I feel like I motivate younger kids.  I feel like I am a good role model and set a good example for them, because most of them do not know what they are doing or what they should do, and that is when being a senior and being a leader steps in,” Lee explained.  As well as Skirvin, who agreed with everything else who added, “I do feel like I am a role model because I try to do everything the right way.  Whenever I do something, whether it be on Friday nights or somewhere else, I know that there will always be little eyes on me so I need to a good role model.”  Along with Hilliard, who said that she feels like she is a good role model because she loves when little girls come up to her and give her a hug after a football game.  “I feel like I do motivate little kids.  The soccer team hosts a kids camp during the summer, and the little girls always love bonding with the older girls on the team,” Becktel said.

Senior Danielle Becktel gets ready to kick the ball during one of her games. Photo Contributed By Yearbook

Inspiration is a key factor when it comes to how student athletes performing under the spotlight every night.  Whether it be afamily member, peer, or professional athlete, anyone can inspire an athlete to do their very best.   Holmquest says her brother inspired her to play.  “When I was little I wanted to be just like him all the time.”  Along with McPherron who says her dad inspired her, and pushed her to play golf in junior high.  Becktel also says that, “I wanted to do a sport when I was younger, and I tried soccer and ending up loving it. I also made a ton of friends so I stuck with soccer throughout my childhood.”  Skirvin who also says that, “My family is definitely the reason why I play football.”

Family is always important to an athlete, and all of these athletes have proved that fact, saying that their families have been behind them one hundred percent.  Hilliard says, “My family is at every home and away football and basketball game.  They are very supportive of me, Rockie Football, and Pilgrim Basketball.”  While McPherron said her family is very supportive of her playing golf.  “My parents both used to play and I am their only child that does so they always are behind me and do whatever I need to get better.”  Becktel also agreed saying “my family is very supportive of me playing soccer. My mom and grandma are two of the loudest people at every game! They love watching our team play because they know all of the girls on the team, as well as me.”

But most people know, they are not just senior athletes.  The senior football manager, trainer, and cheerleaders are also some of the most hard working seniors in the fall seasons.   Senior Football Manager Hunter Sharp has been a part of the football program almost her entire high school career.  Sharp continued on to say there is no other place that she would rather be during the fall sport season other than football. “The boys, coaches, and other managers/trainers are family to me. I’ve been blessed to make so many friends and memories in the past three years by being a part of the team.”  Senior Trainer Shaylee Vice, just like Sharp, has been a part of the football program, but only for the past two years.  She agreed  with Sharp as well saying, “Being a part of the football team has really been an amazing experience! I have made a lot of good, solid friendships with these people, and I have so many great memories from all the times we have had together! I would not trade these people or my position for the world!”  Vice went on to say that she loves the jobs that she does. “If I did not love the jobs I do then I would not be doing it! I love to help people and to really be involved in the action, and being a student trainer allows me to do just that!”

Being part of the Plymouth Rockies Football Program is a very spectacular thing, even if someone is not a player.  Vice and Sharp both said being part of the team has been both memorable and life touching.  “The football team and I are definitely like family! I get along with each and everyone of them so well, and I always try to help them out any way that I can,” Vice said.  While Sharp said The football team is definitely like family to her as well. “We are all friends and are able to joke around and have fun together while still being serious about the sport.”

All students have a different opinion on what they think of their senior year.  Some say that they are sad, why others say it is memorable.  No matter what, they always have those memories from experiences throughout the years.  “This is actually only my second year being a student trainer, but I would have to say that I am more then lucky to be included in such a cool group of people. I know that 40 years from now I am going to look back at my high school career at the football team, the coaches, Ryan (the athletic trainer), and my fellow student trainers and managers and smile because they made up such a big part of my life, along with big impact on my life these past couple of years! Once A Rockie, Always A Rockie. Thanks for everything boys,” Vice explained.  Along with Sharp, who said that these past three years with the football team have been priceless.  “Nothing could ever replace the memories and friends I made. The coaches, players, and other managers and trainers have definitely impacted my life and made high school so much more enjoyable for me. I will never forget what it feels like to be a Rockie!”

Senior Cheerleaders Kendall Cooper and Cassie Gaines pose after an emotional last home game. Photo by Gina Rodeghero

Cheerleaders, like everyone else, has to perform to their max and keep their game face on.  New senior cheerleader Cassie Gaines who has a lot of help and has persevered to the end to be the best senior cheerleader she can be. When asked how does it feel to be part of such a peppy and upbeat group of girls, she goes on to say, “We are not always as peppy but we are a very supportive group. For not being a cheerleader for long I have come to understand that cheerleaders are much different than they are made out to be. I know one day I had an awful day and Kendall Cooper was right there to be my mini coach so I could pull it together for the game. It’s not always easy to go out there and smile regardless of the type of day you have. But thanks to how caring and loving everyone is we manage to go out there and be peppy because we have each other. It’s so funny how we all break out in a random dance or song, especially on the bus. I some times wonder if cheer leading is code for ‘real-life musical.’ We all seem to have pretty bold personalities and although we may bicker for one second, who are we kidding every group does, we are quick to let things go and fix what we need to. Once again, we are a loving group of girls and everyone plays a key role to making it all  work.”

It is not just all fun and games as it seems for cheerleaders.  It is a lot of hard work and dedication when it comes to performing in front of a crowd of at least one hundred people that came to see the football team.  Just like the team, they have expectations as well when it comes to performing.  “I love cheering for a big crowd! Our football team deserves to have a lot of people supporting and cheering for them and I am glad I get to be apart of it,” Hilliard said.  Along with Gaines, who said, “It is pretty scary knowing you are being watched. As a senior, I am  supposed to stand in the front but I get pretty nervous because I doubt I know everything, even when I pretty much do. The girls are sweet and always offer for me to move up in the front and it makes me nervous. We always feel awesome when we do a good job and it is a blast coming home on the bus. I am surprised coach doesn’t yell at us for singing so loud but she’s always great about telling us what we did really good at and knows the feeling we have when we feel like we did a great job too.”

Senior Kelly Hoeffler sets the ball over the net during their match. Photo Contributed by Yearbook

It is sometimes a hard decision for seniors when it comes to picking what college they want to go to.  But for these seniors, that is not too bad and they already have everything planned out.  Becktel said that she wants to attend IU [Indiana University]  or Ball State to study pre-med.  Hilliard wants to go to Ball State or IU for Music education. She has also considered doing cheerleading in college.  But she does not think she will because it takes a lot of time and she wants to do other things in college, but she said that it has definitely crossed her mind.  “I plan on attending Indiana State University, double majoring in biology with concentration in medical research and organic chemistry and minoring in dance,” McPherron also added. Along with Skirvin who has already made up his mind, saying he most definitely wants to go on in college saying, “Football is definitely the sport that I want to continue playing in college.  I might very well be playing along with my brother at Taylor. I just want to go to the biggest school that wants me to play football for them!”  Holmquest also is considering a school in Indiana, but not like IU or Ball State.  “I am planning on attending IUPUI [Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis] next fall and continuing on with Diving while I am there. They have an amazing Sports Journalism department, and as of right now that is what I want to do!”  Vice said that at one point, she did want to become a Trainer, but now she is thinking more about going into Human Services, but she does not know what field exactly. “Plus I would love to go to Ball State!”  While Sharp said that after high school, she wants to go to college for a bachelors degree in criminal justice as well as taking classes on the side to become an EMT, and eventually a Paramedic. Upon graduating from college she hopes to be a police officer. Lee has decided that even though he does not feel like he wants to run Cross Country in college, he would, however, like to participate in Track & Field. “In college, I am not really sure about running Cross country because of the change in the race distance, but I would love to run track while at college.  I am more of a let’s race and get it over with, not let it drag on and on.”

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