Travel Evolves as Years Continue to Progress

Senior Tayler May and sophomore Alex Moore have had to make changes in the way they travel. Photo by: Gina Rodeghero

By Gina Rodeghero

Over the past few years students at Plymouth High School have been changing the way they travel for many reasons.

When people get their drivers licenses, then they have to learn about having to pay for gas money.  This result may impact how travel plans are made.  Junior Mandy McPherron states, “Throughout the last few years my family has been changing the ways they travel, and how much we are traveling because of the costs.”

One thing that really affected the amount people travel is gas prices skyrocketing.  Sophomore Alex Moore said, “My family has been trying to minimize how many times we drive around town because of the cost of gas.”

Another influence that has been changing is the destination of where people go on vacation.  Some people may just be staying close to home, and others will still be making trips far away from home.  But lately it has gotten a lot harder to go far away from home on trips.  May says, “We really do not take many long trips anymore.”

“People really are not traveling that much anymore because of the costs of everything,” McPherron said.  The reasons for the changes in the gas prices may not be clear to everyone. “I believe that the gas prices are out of control and probably by summer I will be seeing many more students and people walking around town,” Moore said. Other modes of transportation may be implemented as a result of the cost of gas.  People may not be driving long distances if possible.  But also people will not be traveling as much because of activities at home, such as sports, and out of school activities.

Some people will not be traveling this summer break because of the fact that they have in school and out of school activities.  Others may not be traveling much because of the new Transportation Security Administration (TSA) rules and regulations.  The new security options offer  having a full body scan which is individuals  standing in a machine with their arms up so a TSA officer can make sure one does not have any explosives on them.  The other option is going through a pat down.  “If I had to choose between the pat-down and the full body scan at an airport I would probably choose the body scan because I will not be meeting the person who sees it in my lifetime,” says May.  Some believe that traveling has gotten harder because of airport security getting tighter.  Moore explains, “The security people at airports in my opinion are making a lot of people not want to fly at all because of all the new rules and regulations.”

Some people have been changing the way they travel and this will continue to evolve, along with new technology and security. McPherron states, “I honestly think that travel is going to keep changing along with society and new rules and regulations.”

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