Senior Spotlight: Alexander Rhoads.
Most people don’t know that… “I am a Riley Kid. I was sent there at nine months old with holes in my heart and had open heart surgery. I have been going there every year all my life. Also ever since I was 10 or 11 I was going to a neurologists there at Riley’s.”
Best childhood memory is… “being able to play baseball before I had feet problems.”
Favorite song and why: “‘The Way I Am’ by Eminem because it represents what I feel like and how I am sometimes.”
If I had one superpower… “It would have to be to have the Hulk’s powers, but I would rather be like the Joker because he is awesome to me.”
Favorite quote and why is… “I can accept failure, but I can’t accept not trying” by Michael Jordan because it gives me inspiration to try everyday and to try and succeed.”