By Gina Rodeghero

Gavi Klawikoski, Yoselin Galeano, Juan Chavez and Casey McDonald all have role models. Photo by: Gina Rodeghero
As people go through their journey of life, some tend to follow in the footsteps of role models who inspire them and help shape the way they think.
The reason people have role models is to have someone to look up to. But when he or she is growing up they tend to start following actions of people older than them because they see them doing something unique or cool. Junior Juan Chavez states “I believe that my role model would probably have to be my brother.” When a younger sibling has an older sibling, he or she tends to look up to the older sibling because they do other things that the younger sibling can not do. Freshman Yoselin Galeano states, “my role model is Martin Luther King Jr. even though he is dead, I still admire him for his big change that impacted the life of many.”
The reasoning behind choosing a role model tends to vary along with the role model choice. Sophomore Gavi Klawikowski, explains, “I chose my Grandma because she is an amazing, independent woman, and because I look up to her.” For instance when choosing a family member, the reasoning tends to be that as he or she is growing up and spending time with them the young one sees things that they want to be able to do. Junior Tyler Hix explains, “I chose Machine Gun Kelly to become my role model not only for his ability to write and perform music. But he shows a very specific role of being a leader. He is an example of taking the road less traveled because in a sense he is the one who paves the road for the fans of his music.”
Society has also adopted role models, but with society the role models are changed quite often but not only change it gains many more role models. Hix says “There are many different people being a role model for society but the overall role model would have to be Theodore Roosevelt. The reason I believe that he is society’s role model is not only because he was a president. He’s a role model because he gave us our reputation of being imperialists. Meaning expansion is greatness. If it weren’t for Teddy, we would probably only have fewer states than we have today. He showed great charisma and friendship after not running for Presidency after his first term, so he gave his friend Taft a good word on his plan.” Society gains its role models because of how they shape the country, or the citizens in the country. Chavez explains, “I believe that society’s role model is education. Education is what makes the society because it shapes it into what it is today.”
The reasons people have role models just varies on the personal thoughts of individuals. Klawikowski says, “so it gives them a certain “hero” or someone to look up to.” Personality also is a huge part in people choosing their role models and why they have a role model. Chavez explains, “People have role models to help them shape their lifestyle and how to get motivation to accomplish their goals.” Some people’s reasoning is because that person is in the profession that one wants to be. Galeano states, “people have role models to succeed in life.”