The Plymouth Walmart shows its support by making a shrine to honor soldiers on Memorial Day. Photo by: Janessa Salazar
By: Taylor Drake
Memorial Day is a day of remembrance for soldiers who have died while serving in the United States Military. Students at Plymouth High School share how they honor the fallen soldiers, their families, and why they think Memorial day is important.
Sophomore Chris Giles said, “Memorial day means to me and my family honoring all the military personnel, who have served and also honor the ones who have died.” Senior Hope Fish said, “I believe that Memorial Day is an important holiday because of the soldiers that died for our country. We need to think about those people and be grateful on what we have in this country. Most people do not have a country like the U.S.A. My great grandfather was in the military and he died from a massive heart-attack. I honor [soldiers] by thanking them for what they have done for me and the country that they once loved so much.” The great impact soldiers have on this country’s success can be based on the support from students like Giles and Fish.