By Alicia Sanchez
The future is unknown. A number of events, both good and bad, are likely to happen in the time to come, but in spite of that, students can try to predict what could possibly happen and how they feel about it.
The future is full of possibilities for those who wish to take advantage of them. Senior Kayla Ferrell said that she is “excited because I have many great things happening after I graduate.” For example, she said, “I am going to my #1 choice for college, and after I graduate, I plan on being a missionary in Guatemala.” While Ferrell looks forward to what she could do in the future, Junior Evelyin Collins looks “forward to the freedom it holds. Right now, I’m only 17 and still living under my parents roof with limitations on what I’m allowed to do.” She hopes that will change once she is an adult. Collins also said, “The future is everything; why wouldn’t I look forward to it? It’s what we’re going to be doing and who were going to become.” Junior Ashley Halsey said she will look forward to “the medical advancements that will be found in the future.”
The future has the potential to be good, and it also has the potential to be bad. Junior Devin Hite said, “I think [the future] will be better because we will be more advanced when it comes to decision-making that satisfies the general population.” On the other hand, freshman Francesca Carten said, “Honestly, I think it would be worse because of so many things that are happening in the world.” While both views are probable, Sophomore Kennedy Snyder said that the change that could happen is “not always” good “because some things can change in a negative way. I believe that you should always be ready for a new opportunity to reveal itself and take the chance you get to make things better.”
Society will change in the next ten years. Snyder said, “I think a lot will happen, especially technology wise. We could have everything run electronically.” Ferrell said she believes society will be able to handle that change “because society is set up to adapt to the changes of the world. People are set up like that in their human nature. They grow, adapt, and then grow some more.” Hite disagreed and said, “No. I think society needs to take baby steps when it comes to a change.” He feels as if sudden change could be too much for society to handle. Collins said, “I do believe that society is able to handle change if they would try to. Everyone would rather keep doing the same thing, though, and keep going along with it, instead of actually opening their eyes on what’s happening around them.”
Technology is rapidly changing. Ferrell predicted that scientists will have created “holograms” by the year 2025. Senior Jordan Kelly said that he thinks that future technology “will be better than it is right now.” Hite said that the change that has already occurred makes him happy because “it makes life easier. I am concerned that it puts us at risks for hacks and viruses where we definitely don’t want them.” Halsey said, “I think that technology is a good thing but many people don’t know how to use it correctly.”
The future can bring science and medical advances we might not have even dreamed of yet. Junior Molly Spencer predicted that scientists might “find the cure for certain diseases and maybe find different planets.” Collins said, “I feel as though we are going to advance immensely in the science and medical fields because scientists are putting together the pieces of the blurred areas that we may not have known many years ago. For example, they are finding more and more information out on how to cure cancer. That is an area that largely needs to be focused on because over century’s cancer has took so many loved ones from us in a blink of an eye.” Snyder said, “I think [space exploration] is awesome and we should be aware of what is surrounding our Earth.” Carten agreed with Snyder and said, “I think [space exploration] would be awesome. I like how scientists are always discovering new things.”
Ultimately, Kelly said he looks forward to the future “because I know it is going to be something good.”