Quotes to Live By

By Meghan Caine

Louisa May Alcott once said, “I like good, strong words that mean something…” and for junior Adrianna Enders, sophomore Elizabeth Wickens, and freshman Rachel Smith, those words couldn’t be more true.


This quote is hanging in Mrs. Gifford’s room and the reason she put it up is that “I believe that everyone has a purpose in life.” Photo by: Meghan Caine

Enders’ quote that she lives by is the following: “Be patient with yourself. You are growing stronger everyday. The weight of the world will become lighter… and you will begin to shine brighter. Don’t give up,” by Robert Tew. This is her favorite quote because it helps her overcome any obstacle she may have. Enders said she thinks about this quote “on a daily basis.” Her favorite part of the quote is “The weight of the world will become lighter… and you will begin to shine brighter.”

Wickens’ favorite quote is the following: “Some Dance To Remember, Some Dance To Forget,” by the popular band, The Eagles. This is her favorite quote because “being a dancer and having to connect choreography with emotions, knowing that I can express myself by forgetting the bad things that happen and putting it into a dance step, makes the world just feel complete.” Wickens said, “This quote has gotten me through many difficult times when dancing. Thinking about outside stuff while dancing can really mess you up, but putting the negative emotion from the outside stuff help[s] to forget about what’s happening around you.” She said this quote is inspirational because “this quote doesn’t just mean dancing to me. It helps handle emotions and know that whatever happens in life there’s always a way to express your emotions freely.”

Smith’s quote to live by is the following: “We may all be stuck in the gutter but some of us are looking at the stars,” by Oscar Wilde. Constantly thinking about this quote, Smith said, “It’s always there in the back of my mind through every day.” This is her favorite quote because “It’s short, blunt, true and optimistic in a pessimistic sort of way.” A time came when she had told this quote to someone. She said, “My best friend was having a [bad] week and it made her smile.” The first time Smith heard this quote was when she was “surfing Pinterest about a year and a half ago.”

A quote can affect one’s outlook on life and can play a big part in it. For these three girls, their favorite quotes affect their daily lives.

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This quote is also in Mrs. Gifford’s room. The reason she put this one in her room is because she “believes that there is a beautiful simplicity about nature.” Photo by: Meghan Caine


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