By Chelsey Allen
Everyday hundreds of students go out to eat with their family and friends. All restaurants serve different food that varies in price. Different amounts of money will be spent depending on the type of restaurant that is chosen and the price of food.
Food is everywhere and everyone has to have it. Many students eat out a lot every week. This must cost a lot, even for students that have jobs. Senior Sabrina Morrison said she eats out about twice a week, guessing around 9 times per month. Some just want to grab something and go, instead of eating cheaper by making their own food at home. Freshman Brooke Falbe said she eats out 5 times a month. Falbe says she has gift cards which she uses to pay for her food.
Everyone has to have a favorite place to spend their money. Senior Leslie Diaz says, “Taco Bell and Pizza Hut,” are her favorite places. Gervi Escobar’s favorite place is Mi Camino Real. Escobar says he eats out about 10 times a week and maybe 20 times a month. Sophomore Bobbie Stiles says she eats out 3-4 times a month and spend $30 a month.
Eating at a restaurant for free would be great, especially if it were free for a week. Falbe said “Wings Etc.” is where she would want to eat for free. Senior Jon Scott says, “not only would I choose Pizza Hut for a week, but I would pick free Pizza Hut for a lifetime.” Escobar’s said if he could choose any place to eat free for a week, it would be King’s Buffet. Sophomore Brittany Gantz said, “Steak ‘N’ Shake because I love their chocolate-banana side by side shakes.”
Sometimes food may not be cheap but good, but someone could be celebrating something and want to spend a lot of money on a nice dinner. Diaz said the most expensive place she has ever eaten is Pizza Hut and has eaten there four times in the past month. Morrison says her favorite place is Dairy Queen,and the most expensive place she has eaten at is Charlies. Gantz said the most expensive place she has eaten at is somewhere in Florida, and the salads were about $18.
Never having to pay for a meal would be great. Some are stuck paying for their own food when they go out to eat such as senior Corey Celmer. Senior Gervi Escobar is lucky because his mother pays for him when he goes out to eat. Eating out can be fun especially with friends. It is not always great to eat out. Diaz rates eating out a 9 out of 10. She says, “ I rate this because you don’t have to buy the ingredients and it’s easier if someone else does the food for you.” Stiles rates eating out a 4. She said, “I’d rather eat at home.” Junior Tia Merritt said she tries to pay for herself when she goes out to eat.
Spending money weekly and monthly can add up to a lot over time. Scott said he spends about $25 monthly. Celmer says, “$30.” People who dine out will always have a different rating on how much they like eating out. Falbe says, “10!” Morrison rates eating out a 7 out of 10. She said, “I don’t like how unhealthy it is but it is nice to spend time talking and eating with friends.”
It can sometimes be pretty expensive to also eat at the high school cafeteria. Many students will buy a double lunch or just make their lunch from the various choices provided by the Red Rock Cafe. Gantz said she usually spends about $5 a week at the school cafeteria, but does not know how much she spends a month. Eating out can be fun, but it also has its perks.