By Pauline Dagaas

The Sunshine Society's Compatibility Test offers students the chance to discover with whom they are most "compatible." Photo by: Pauline Dagaas
To encourage student involvement in celebrating this year’s Valentine’s Day, a couple of Plymouth High School’s clubs have organized events commemorating its theme of love and companionship.While Valentine’s Day is more widely renowned for its emphasis on those themes, it is also known for the gifts many receive from their loved ones. Over the years, flowers have continuously stood as a memorable and effective way to show others their appreciation. Senior Katie Wojick agrees. “It gives everyone a chance to show people how they feel about them,” she states. As a member of the Heart Club, Wojcik will be accompanying her fellow club members in their annual Carnation Sale. In this event, the Heart Club sold carnations for two dollars to students and faculty wishing to send their loved ones a flower for the holiday. The carnations were sold outside the cafeteria during lunch and will be delivered by Heart members to recipients on that day. Depending on the feeling one holds for another, those who purchased a carnation had various color choices to choose from, including red, white, and pink. For instance, red represents love, white represents friendship, and pink symbolizes a crush. With several options available, it is no wonder this sale has been a success in the past. “They think that it is an easy way to show friendship/love and to show someone that they care about them,” states Senior Elizabeth Hartman. Junior Aubrie Craft agrees adding, “It’s a cute and sweet idea.” As for the ones receiving the carnations, well, in the past their reactions upon receiving them have shown just how pleasing these carnations truly are. “Many were excited,” says Hartman. Undoubtedly, this is one affordable gift that is sure to make an impact.
In addition to the Carnation Sale, yet another annual event has been set forth. Led by the Sunshine Society, a compatibility quiz has also been made available for the student body. “It’s a survey where students are ranked upon their interests, preferences, and beliefs,” states Sunshine Society sponsor and English teacher, Mrs. Jessica Gordon. Students were given the opportunity to complete the test in their homeroom and from February 14-16, can discover who they match up the best as well as the worst with. “Students can pay to see the results. One match for those in your grade, and another for the whole school,” confirms one of Sunshine’s officers, Maddy Good. Additionally, proceeds will go to this club. “I hope they [students] have a good time, get into the Valentine’s spirit, and help Sunshine raise some money,” Mrs. Gordon further comments. Undoubtedly, not only will students benefit this club by participating, but will also be able to find their match this Valentine’s Day.
Evidently, with the encouragement of both the Heart Club and Sunshine Society, students can wholly embrace this loving celebration.