Seniors plans for their Future

These are free brochures in the Guidance office that PHS students can use to get more information about career possibilities.

These are free brochures in the Guidance office that PHS students can use to get more information about career possibilities.

by Leon Olszewski

High school seniors face a hard decision how they want to plan their future. Some already have well planned ideas and others just abandon it to their fate.

After students graduate from high school,  they go their own way. Senior LeaAnna Miller said, “I am planning on going to college. I would really like to attend Indiana Wesleyan University.” Senior Colin Deon said, “I’m training to join a group known as Special Warfare Combat-Craft Crewmen, SWCC for short.”

Although most of the people go to college, the military is also a common option that people choose. Jessica Miller, Miller’s older sister, made the decision to join the Navy. “Jessica decided to join the Navy because she needed to start over. She wanted a chance to travel and see the world while at the same time starting a new life,” said Miller. She also said, “I could never join the military because I am just not the “fit type.” I don’t think I could mentally put up with all of the stuff that Jessica has to put up with. I don’t think I could do what she does because of my personality as well. I’m very sensitive and I would not be able to be away from home like she is.”


Jessica Ann Miller went to the Navy after she graduated from high school. She has been there for over two years now and is mostly stationed in Japan.

Everyone has specific reasons for what they chose to do. Miller said, “I love kids. Everything about them amuses me. Although they can sometimes be hard to handle, they are the future and I can’t think of anything better to do than to take care of children.” Deon’s reason for his choice is, “I prefer the military over college because I feel I wouldn’t take college seriously.” Deon is not sure if he wants to stay in the military for a long time or do something different, he said. “I have no idea what the future holds for me. If I like the Navy, I’ll more than likely make it a career.”

Throughout a child’s life, the plans and dreams can completely change. Miller said, “Well in junior high, I wanted to be a history teacher because I loved history. Getting into high school, I decided I wanted to major in music and be a singer. My junior year, last year, I thought I wanted to go into Health administration, which basically I work in a hospital but I do all the paperwork and get stuff done. But I always knew that I loved kids and I want to be around them. So I decided the end of last year that I really wanted to go into pediatrics.” On the opposite side, Deon never changed his plan throughout his childhood, “It’s always been a dream of mine to be in the military. Although I never thought I’d choose the Navy. I grew up thinking I was meant to be a soldier in the Army, but once I started looking at all branches and learning about them, it was obvious to me that the Navy fit me best.”

A way to make this final decision is to research and get information from the school. Deon said, “I think the schools should keep students informed on the jobs that are needed in this day in age.”Millers opinion is, “I think the counselors do a decent job on helping students with college and stuff like that. I meant there is only so much that a counselor can do for the students. But letting us know what jobs are available and what kinds of jobs our specific fields of work that we want to go into are available would be a little helpful.”

There are also unpopular fields in which people can make a career such as music, arts, or professional sports. Miller said, “I think that If someone wants to make a career in the arts[, sports] or music then they should go for it. But they better be darn good at it. You won’t make a name for yourself in the future unless you have talent.” Deon said, “It’s great to have dreams and try to fulfill them, but like I said earlier, it’s always good to have a plan b to support you if you can’t accomplish your dreams.”

Miller also added advice on how people can find out what they want to do, “I would suggest figuring out what you are good at. If you are good at it, then it’s very likely that you will enjoy it and that’s how you will be happy in your future. Do what makes you happy.”


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