Portuguese Classroom Differs from Plymouth High School Classroom

Enthusiastic with Journalism Class, I am facing an opportunity I had never had in Portugal.

“I am enthusiastic about  Journalism Class; I am facing an opportunity I had never had in Portugal.” Photo by Elizabeth Jackson





By Vasco Garcia

“Good morning,” two words that are rarely pronounced in a Portuguese classroom. Cold relationships, disregard for each other’s well being, and disrespectful attitudes describe the relationship between students and teachers in the Portuguese public education system.

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People Connect With Relationships in Different Ways

Sophomores Tailer Smerekanich and Miranda Dunn both agreed that family and friends are most important to them.

Sophomores Tailer Smerekanich and Miranda Dunn both agreed that family and friends are most important to them. Photo by: Nicole Snare

By Nicole Snare

Relationships may mean something different to every person based on experiences. Junior Jeremy Shidler said, “I would say that a relationship is any sort of bond between two people in which they can trust each other.”

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