People Connect With Relationships in Different Ways

Sophomores Tailer Smerekanich and Miranda Dunn both agreed that family and friends are most important to them.

Sophomores Tailer Smerekanich and Miranda Dunn both agreed that family and friends are most important to them. Photo by: Nicole Snare

By Nicole Snare

Relationships may mean something different to every person based on experiences. Junior Jeremy Shidler said, “I would say that a relationship is any sort of bond between two people in which they can trust each other.”

A relationship can be described in several different ways. People have their opinions on relationships, along with how to manage them. Maintaining a relationship is not easy; more maintained by strategies one takes to balance their friendship. Senior Riley Cartwright said, “communication is the key to any relationship.” Others look at it completely different. The Media Center’s Information Literacy Assistant Nathan Mayer said, “No strategy. You just need to ‘click’ together and the rest is taken from there by the both of you.”

Information Literary Assistant, Mr. Nathan Mayer believes there is no strategy to a strong relationship. Photo By: Nicole Snare

Information Literary Assistant, Mr. Nathan Mayer believes there is no strategy to a strong relationship. Photo By: Nicole Snare

Aside from strategies, there are other important qualities that come along with relationships. When finding a companion, sophomore Tailer Smerekanich said she needs, “A person I can trust and that will believe me when I say something, and one that will do something for me if it means something to me.” She is not the only person who favors the quality of trust. Shidler said, “I need to be able to trust that person and talk to them very easily without worry of judgment.”

The qualities within a person make up who they are. Friendships are based on the same standards people share together. These people become a very essential part of their lives. Sophomore Miranda Dunn said the most important people in her life are her friends and family. The majority of individuals choose their family and friends as their most important priorities. Shidler said, “My family is most to me along with my friends.”

People desire a relationship with a person who has similar characteristics. Maintaining a relationship with another individual requires plenty of trust.

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