Students Express the Difference Between a Pilgrim And a Rockie

Brennan McPherron (left) and Jacob Hildebrand (right) both express their places at PHS by wearing their Rockie and Pilgrim t-shirts.

Brennan McPherron (left) and Jacob Hildebrand (right) both express their places at PHS by wearing their Rockie and Pilgrim t-shirts.

By:Kiara Meadors

Many people believe the Plymouth Pilgrim to be different from the Plymouth Rockie.  Whether the difference occurs in sports or just simply in people’s minds, there are several ways to think about the two.  Students at PHS have given insight on what they truly believe.
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PHS Student Makes a Difference by Writing Stories

During the school day, Wesley Seidelmann works hard doing his classwork and in his spare time working on his stories.  Photo by: Gina Rodeghero

During the school day, Wesley Seidelmann works hard doing his classwork and in his spare time working on his stories. Photo by: Gina Rodeghero

By: Keaton Espich

Throughout Plymouth High School, students have been making a variety of changes. One particular student, junior Wesley Seidelmann, has been making a difference by writing stories.

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