Students Express the Difference Between a Pilgrim And a Rockie

Brennan McPherron (left) and Jacob Hildebrand (right) both express their places at PHS by wearing their Rockie and Pilgrim t-shirts.

Brennan McPherron (left) and Jacob Hildebrand (right) both express their places at PHS by wearing their Rockie and Pilgrim t-shirts.

By:Kiara Meadors

Many people believe the Plymouth Pilgrim to be different from the Plymouth Rockie.  Whether the difference occurs in sports or just simply in people’s minds, there are several ways to think about the two.  Students at PHS have given insight on what they truly believe.

For each student the definition of a Plymouth Pilgrim and a Plymouth Rockie is different.  Freshman Jake Dewar announced that to him, being a Rockie means being a family.  He said, “It’s having the heart and determination and to be the best and stay there.”  He also said that, “Rockie football is more than just being a team. It is being able to work together as a family.” On the other hand sophomore Jordan Kelly responded that she thinks the word Rockie means pride.  Both of these students stated that they both feel that they are Plymouth Pilgrims because they play sports.  “I do play sports and I think the whole thing is kinda based on sports,” said Kelly.

Freshman Lexi Rudd said,  “everyone is a Pilgrim and Rockie that goes to PHS.”  Now Dewar thinks it takes more than just going to this high school.  “Becoming either takes hard work and a lot of time.  Anyone can become one of these people whether it’s being in the Spell Bowl or on the football team,”  he said.

Senior Kelsey Fish says that people at the high school are labeled as Plymouth Pilgrims and Rockies because “it’s our mascot.”  However sophomore Tristan Roberts thinks otherwise “We are strong. We never let things get to us.  No matter what during game days, we become a team. There is no I in team.”

The word Pilgrim means something different to everyone.  Rudd says that when she hears the word Plymouth Pilgrim, she thinks of basketball.  Kelly just thinks of sports in general, and Roberts thinks of basketball and softball.  All of the students interviewed agreed that when they hear the word Rockie, they immediately think of football.

Dewar states that by working hard, getting good grades, and playing sports is how the Plymouth Pilgrims and Rockies support the school.  When looking at the answers of these students, people can see that there is more to PHS than some may conclude.



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