Students’ Travels Over the Summer

Mrs. Portteus and daughter Libby enjoy the view of the island while riding a tandem bike. Photo provided by: Mrs. Portteus

By Michaela Moreno

Traveling, soaking up the sun, and living freely is what summer vacation is known for. As students and faculty get back into their routines, they like to sit back and think about those memorable two months of summer.

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Fast Food Can Be Addicting

Freshman Cody Edge and Junior Jason Edge are eating their favorite meals from McDonald's. Photo by: Courtney Edge

By Courtney Edge

People quite often choose fast food over freshly cooked home made meals because it is quick or easy, and as a result, PHS sophomores have been studying ways to keep a healthy diet. They watched a movie called “Super Size Me.” They also had a nutritionist come in and talk to them about maintaining a healthy diet and what it takes to take to gain or lose a calorie.

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