The Home Stretch


Senior Jacob Hildebrand looking over the 2015 Variety Show set list for any last minute details.  Photo taken by: Sydney Holzwart

By: Sydney Holzwart

As the 2014-2015 school years comes to an end, this years senior class is pushing their way for the next month. What was the most memorable time, most difficult, and what does the future hold for them? Continue reading

PHS Seniors and What They Are Doing After High School

Two Marine officers came to PHS to help recruit juniors and seniors into the military. Photo By: Taylor Drake

Two Marine officers came to PHS to help recruit juniors and seniors into the military. Photo By: Taylor Drake

 By Taylor Drake

Each year Plymouth High School has new graduating seniors; each senior has his or her own path that he or she might take. When thinking about leaving school, there are numerous options that one can consider, such as: going to college, joining the military, or working straight out of high school.

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