My Quiet World

By: Brittany Frederick

Brittany shares her "Quiet World." Photo by: Jack Bowen

I am grateful for my life because when I was born as a preemie, there were times that I turned blue and was considered dead, but because of reviving equipment, I was able to survive.  As a result of being born early (weighing 1lb. and 7 ounces), I was hooked to wires all over my body and stayed in the hospital for four extra months.  One result of being born too early resulted in permanent nerve damage in my ears.  At age five, I was diagnosed with hearing loss in both ears.  This began a journey of struggles which I am slowly overcoming and working on each day.  

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A new Year for the BPA Team

By: Chelsey Allen

BPA members smiling for a picture after winning the District Leadership Conference. Photo by: Karson Doll

The BPA team is ready for a great year in hopes of winning state and moving on to something bigger. The BPA team has had a great amount of success every year. They could not have had this without some outstanding students wanting to have a career in some type of business.

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