By Tori Godwin

Choir students pose for a quick picture before learning new choreography.Photo By: Tori Godwin
When too many students had joined choir, a plan had to be devised. There needed to be a way for all students to be able to join choir. That was taken care of when two separate choirs were formed and that has a lot of students talking.
“I feel that it has its good side… and its bad side” says Dakota Bradley, a sophomore in choir. “ Good- If you have a certain class that is only free to you a certain hour, choir will still fit. Bad- the separation between friends in opposite choirs.” Junior Tori Fox states “ I think it is wonderful! It gives you a chance to try something new.” Senior Jackson Seering says that the separation of the choirs is “ Not good because we don’t have the same people.” Everyone has a different opinion of this separation, but they still get to work together on certain pieces of music. “ Both choirs will be singing “ I’ll Be There” by The Jackson 5 together the first trimester.” Bradley dishes.
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