Freshmen Discuss Their First Year in High School

By Tori Godwin

It’s a new year. That means: new classes, new friendships, new excitements, and of course, new freshmen. Every year, freshmen come into this new environment with worries and excitement, which has them thinking about their freshmen year.

“I have really enjoyed the freedom we have been given,” states Deborah Ander, reflecting on her freshman year so far. “The upper class men have been great, too!” “School is going great for me!” says Amanda Wolford. Now that they are in high school, they have to get used to certain things such as longer class periods, fewer class periods, and trimesters, which could cause a stuggles for  them.How do they feel about high school so far? Grifin  Materson simply states “High school  is way better,” while Isabel Seago says “High school is so different from the junior high because there is a lot more stuff to do.”It is true. High school has a lot to offer freshmen, but Macie McMichael likes the fact that “We have more freedom and are treated like adults.” Carissa May says that here is better food in high school.
As this year goes along, freshmen will realize how many more class options are available to them. When there is a variety of options, there is a new and fun experience or serious study time.  “Theater and choir are easy and fun!” Gianella Cerriteno says about her easiest class so far. She also say that Biology is her hardest class.“My easiest class is Biology with Mr. Cox. My hardest class is English Honors with Mrs. Richter.” Wolford states.  Seago says “My easiest class so far is Earth and Space Science. My hardest class is English 9 Honors.” Ander explains “I think Nutrition and Wellness is the easiest and most fun! I think Geometry Honors is the hardest.”
Also, there are more extra curricular activities available to freshmen, which has them planning the out of school activities that they want to try this year. May says she wants to do “Plays/Snow White.” this year.  Seago explains “I plan on doing Spanish Club and I’m doing golf right now.”   Ander says she wants to do “Cross Country, Swimming, Theater, Prayer Club, and possibly Spanish Club.”
By the end of the year, freshmen will want to say that they made an accomplishment. Wolford says  about a goal for this year “I want to play tennis and make the swim team my freshman year.” Seago explains “One thing I would like to accomplish as a freshman is to try to be the nicest/happiest person in my grade.”Morgan Hite says one thing she wants to accomplish this year is to “Get all A’s and meet a lot of people.” Cerriteno says her goal is to “Be a good student!”
Now that they had a taste of being a freshman, they know what advice to give to a new student about being a freshman. Hite says she would tell a new freshmen  “Don’t be scared. It’s not that bad.” Cerriteno says she would say “Be yourself! Remember to have fun and try your hardest. Never quit!” McMichael says she would say “It’s not as hard/scary as you think, so don’t be nervous.” Jacob Yazel jokingly states “Obey upper classmen.” Ander explains “Just stay calm and ask if you need help. Everyone is so helpful and nice!” The Pilgrim Perspective wishes freshmen the best as they conquer their first year in high school.

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