PHS Students Plan For the Future

By Chandy Schuler

People say that high school is where futures are determined. At this stage in peoples’ lives there is college planning, first jobs, and high expectations. Due to these changes, students have different plans for the future.

From an early age, children begin to imagine what they will be when they grow up. As children grow older, these future plans may vary through different professions. Senior  Stephanie Anderson and Junior Sarah Relos have already established what they want to

Students can learn more about different branches of the military in the guidance office. This ensures knowledge of possible future paths. Photo by: Chandy Schuler

Students can learn more about different branches of the military in the guidance office. This ensures that student acquire knowledge of possible future plans. Photo by: Chandy Schuler

do in the future, however. Anderson said, “I want to be a missionary overseas.” and Relos said, “I plan to enlist in the military, I have not decided on which branch yet.” Relos also said, “I plan on attending college at some point, either it be after High School or during/after the military.” Sophomore Kaila Himes also has a concrete plan for her future and wants to “go to college and become a Vet or Doctor.” Having less knowledge of her future plans, Sophomore Ivy Johnson said, “As of right now, I’m not sure. [I] should figure it out.” College wise, students have began to select schools they would like to attend after graduating high school. Sophomore Chris Giles said, “I do plan to finish a two year degree with the credits I get my Junior and Senior year, I am going to finish it online in the Army.”

Some students feel they are better prepared for the future than others. Junior Sophia Smith said, “I have mixed feels. I feel like intellectually I am ready but there are some essential life skills that schools neglect to teach such as balancing a checkbook and how to work a mortgage/loan.” Contrary to Smith’s perspective, Freshman Callie Burch said, “No, I still have a lot of work to do to be a good leader, and prepared for the future.” Sophomore Kaila Himes gave her positive outlook on her readiness for the future by saying, “I believe that I can do anything as long as I set my mind to it.”

Various amounts of time will be necessary in order for students to prepare for select future plans. Sophomore Elizabeth Wickens said in order to better prepare for the future she could “take more business classes that could teach me how to run the finances for a self employed business.” Similar to Wickens’ future preparation plans, Smith also plans to better prepare herself through school work. Smith said, “I could work a little harder in Spanish III. I know that I’m not going to come out completely fluent but I want a basic understanding of the language.”

Students have a variety of plans for the future, however, after they finish schooling. Smith said, “Someday I want to be able to work at St. Luke’s Hospital in St. Louis and maybe go back to school later in life.” Anderson presented her future plans by saying, “Tell as many people as I can about Christ!” Junior Keaton Espich said some things he wants to accomplish in the future are “be a good husband and have enough money to be happy later in life.”

Though students are beginning to imagine themselves in the future, there are requirements needed to become the professionals they desire. Sophomore Breanna Gilmore said, “I will need to take a lot of Science classes so I can be a vet.” Similar to Gilmore’s necessities, Sophomore Danial Osborn said one educational requirement he will need to meet in order to better prepare for the future is getting “great grades.” Also giving her academic perspective, Sophomore Shania Northern said, “I at least need to keep an A/B average and to stay in Softball.”

Bethel College located in South Bend, Indiana is one of the many colleges students can learn about while pursuing desired futures. Photo by: Chandy Schuler

Bethel College located in Mishawaka, Indiana is one of the many colleges students can learn about while pursuing desired futures. Photo by: Chandy Schuler

It is thought that people can prosper from past experiences and occurrences. Select students feel that their past experiences can help them become more successful in the future. Freshman Mikayla Sommers said “teachers” that have helped her in the past could potentially better prepare her for the future. Himes said, “I have had animals all my life. One time my grandma’s horse was hurt and I help[ed] doctor her up and she got better.” Senior Jordan Kelly, who says she’s “going to go to college and hopefully become a kindergarten teacher,” claims that the ‘Early Childhood Education’ class she is taking will help her prepare for her desired future profession.
Conclusively, students not only have multiple occurrences to look forward to, but extensive preparing to do as well.

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