Students Compare Elementary Then and Now

Kindergarden for these kids seem fun and entertaining, like it was to many students when they were in elementary school. Photo by: Tailer Smerekanich

Kindergarten for these students seems fun and entertaining, like it was to many students when they were in elementary school. Photo by: Tailer Smerekanich

By Tailer Smerekanich

Many people loved elementary school from the naps to recess, but it has changed. Some students think elementary school has gotten too much for children, or that they are putting too much responsibility into the childrens’ hands.

According to Junior C.C. Bastardo, “Jefferson elementary school was fun but has definitely changed. The children act differently and there is more technology and security.” Of the five students interviewed at Plymouth High School they felt elementary schools should not be using the advanced technology.  Sophomore Jack Barron said, “I think they should go through textbooks like everybody else did until they are mature enough for the higher technology.”  Senior Briana Gantz said, “They shouldn’t be using it as young as they are. They need to learn communication first!” Although some say they should not use much technology, Senior Ellen Smith said, “Yes, they should use technology but to a point but not too much.” Senior Colton Dutcher said, “Technology can help them learn new things just like us.”

Some say kindergarten was a key factory in the lives of every student who goes through public schools. Photo by: Tailer Smerekanich.

Some say kindergarten was a key factory in the lives of every student who goes through public schools. Photo by: Tailer Smerekanich.

There are many people that miss at least one thing from elementary school. Many students have said they missed recess and naps, but Ellen Smith said, “I miss read in days when we just got a day to sit in and read with a pillow and blanket, and parties!” Junior Taylor Smith said “Nap time, you got to eat lunch with the principal and you made a scribble on a piece of paper and he would draw something out of it and you got to keep it. Recess and hot lava, we used to play on the swingset.” Teachers were a major factor in elementary. Many students said they really liked their teachers or missed them. Dutcher said, “I liked that you had less homework and I loved my teachers.” Bastardo said, “I miss the teachers, recess, and my friends.”

A lot of students think that children act differently now than they did when they were in elementary school. Barron said, “They get more responsibility with technology and phones they are put on a higher pedestal making them act much different.” Sophomore Chris Whitley said, “They are a lot cockier and they don’t have as good [manners.]” Taylor Smith said, “Kids know more bad things than they should, and they know things they shouldn’t until they are married. Children are more brutal towards each other.”

Many students miss elementary school in some way; they might even have major opinions on the way elementary schools are now.

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