By Chandy Schuler
Throughout the years, technology has grown to affect society and the way society interacts. The vast impact technology has had not only affects younger generations, but the generations older and those yet to come.
Technology has impacted people in a variety of ways. Throughout the spread of technology, some Plymouth High School students have said that technology has been of great convenience to them. To others, technology has brought either struggle or complication. Senior Katie Sommers says, “I think it is very good to have technology in school because that is how our society and world is evolving, but we should still have some traditional things.” After asking a variety of PHS students how technology has affected them both in and out of school, a variation of responses were given. Most students said that their cell phones or Macbooks are the form of technology used most often. Freshman Nathaniel Carper said he thinks technology has had a “negative impact within schools and that the schools need to go back to text books.”
After asking students to explain the impact technology has had within their household, Senior Briana Gantz said, “In my house, there isn’t as much communication as there was before WE all got cellphones.” She also gave a response when asked how often technology was used to complete everyday tasks by saying “It depends on the task. Obviously I can’t really use technology to put my clothes away or take a shower, but if I want to listen to music while doing that, I guess that counts.” Junior Stephanie Boyle gave her mixed opinion towards the impact technology has had within schools saying, “I think its good but also bad because some kids put stuff on their computers that are not supposed to be on them and it distracts them from the reason we even have these Macbooks in the first place. They are to learn, not play.”
People also use technology in many different ways to do a variety of tasks. When students were asked what the most useful way to use technology was, Senior Zach Craft said, “Using it to learn and discover things you don’t know about.” This could be applied within the classroom while doing a research project or working on subjects with little prior knowledge.