By Jon Scott
Every year, each school gets at least one new student somewhere throughout the school year. This year, many new students, ranging from new freshmen students to new seniors, all have different general thinking ideas. Whether it is semesters at the students old school or trimesters here at their new school, PHS is fairly different than any other school.
Daily school schedules vary from school to school. It’s almost rare to find a school that has a schedule exactly like PHS. Junior Maggie Buza, a new student to PHS from Oregon-Davis, states, “It’s very different. My old school worked with semesters instead of trimesters and was a lot smaller. The classes here are a lot longer and we get out {of school} earlier.” Junior Kearsten Turner, a new student from Tippecanoe Valley, explains that at her old school, “We had 7 classes, and we had periods 1, 3, 5, 7, on Wednesdays and 2, SRT, 4, and 6 on Thursdays.” In some cases, students daily school schedules do not really change. Junior Chris Wolff, a new student from Laville, states that “My schedule is not very different than at Laville.”
A difference found among new students was the size of the school. Wolff simply states that “Plymouth is more fun than LaVille.” Turner explains, “Tippecanoe is a lot smaller than PHS.” Although to some students, the size of PHS is not bad, to some others, it is huge compared to their old school. Buza states, “I think that the biggest difference between O-D and PHS is the size. I got lost on the first day.”
Having a favorite subject in school is a great thing for the new students. Wolff states, “My favorite subject is probably history and art. My hardest subject is chemistry.” Favorite subjects vary from a freshmen to a senior. Some just can not get enough of English and others just can not get enough of Broadcasting. Buza states, “My favorite subject right now is choir. My hardest would be a tie between Spanish III and Pre-Calculus.” Many students would prefer to take classes of their choice instead of having to take certain classes. Freshmen year is filled with more academic classes than electives whereas senior year is filled with more elective classes than academic classes. Turner explains, “My favorite subject is Photography and my hardest class is Algebra II.”
New students usually find a lot of friends by joining clubs. By joining a variety of clubs, students have the opportunity to meet and interact with other people. Buza states, “I think my favorite thing about PHS is the clubs and activities they offer.” Meeting new people here at PHS sounded like a common theme among new students as Turner states, “meeting new people” was her favorite thing so far at PHS. Wolff states, “My favorite thing about Plymouth is meeting new people.”