Journalism Gains Seven New Staff Writers

The journalism department has gained seven new staff writers that are experiencing a different style of writing. Photo by: Katie Sommers

The journalism department has gained seven new staff writers that are experiencing a different style of writing. Photo by: Katie Sommers

By Katie Sommers

Starting a new trimester, the journalism class has gained seven new staff writers that are ready to learn a new style of writing and how to be a part of the school online newspaper.

This is sophomore Sophia Smith’s first trimester of journalism. What journalism means to her is, “opening peoples eyes to new and exciting things throughout the school and the world.” Smith joined this class because she enjoys writing and likes to keep up to date with the news. She is involved in marching band, winter drumline, concert band, and pep band. Smith’s plans for after high school is to attend Ball State or DePauw to study music and later move, “back to my hometown of St. Louis, Missouri and be a musician, composer, or music teacher.” Smith thinks that journalism class can help her become a better writer in general.

“I really like writing and thought this would be a good time to try it,” is the reason why senior Hayley Snyder joined journalism. To Snyder journalism means taking information and writing in a way that it is easy to understand and read. A few of Snyder’s hobbies are working with animals, taking pictures, and tasting new foods. After high school she plans to attend a college and become a Vet Tech. Snyder thinks that by taking this class it will give her a different perspective on writing and show her different styles of expressing information.

On the first days of the trimester the new students learned the ethics in journalism before they could begin writing. Photo by: Katie Sommers

On the first days of the trimester, the new students learned about  ethics in journalism before they could begin writing. Photo by: Katie Sommers

Freshman Gillian Larew joined journalism because she, “likes writing and [she is] not very good at it. [She] thought if [she] joined Journalism [she] could get better at it.”  A few of her hobbies are drawing, writing, listening to music, and playing games. After high school Larew plans on going to college. “In ten years I see myself as a vet or a therapist of some sort.” She thinks that this class will make her a better writer and most of all show her new ways to write using a different format.

For freshman Jon Sommers he was given a number of class choices as he was switching classes around and he chose Journalism over other choices. To him journalism means, “a way to express myself while informing the world about what is happening at Plymouth High School.” A school activity that Sommers is involved in is Five Star which meets at Lincoln Jr. High every Tuesday. He is a helper to the junior high students and the other staff. A few of his hobbies include listening to any type of music, watching action filled movies, and reading interesting books. After high school his plans consist of going to college, but he is still exploring the opportunities of major options. Sommers thinks this class will, “help [him] improve [his] grammar and writing skills.”

Planning on using the skills taught in journalism later on in life, junior Chase Holzwart is taking journalism class because she thought it would be an interesting class to take. She is also planning on going to college to major in broadcasting or public speaking. Holzwart is hoping to continue her education at Ball State or Indiana University after high school. She is involved in the Speech team, theater, Sunshine, Pep club, L.E.A.D. club, and Seed club. A few of her favorite hobbies are being on a stage performing and participating in Speech which she started in junior  high. Holzwart hopes that journalism class will improve her writing skills and that will help her later on in her college years.

Discussing their ideas on what articles to write, junior Reneh Gambrel helps her group of new journalism students. Photo by: Katie Sommers

Discussing their ideas on what articles to write, junior Reneh Gambrel helps her group of new journalism students. Photo by: Katie Sommers

Also involved in yearbook, freshman Maria Herrera has join journalism because she enjoys writing and wanted to experience being a part of the high school newspaper. A few of her hobbies are singing, cleaning, and painting her nails. Herrera’s plans for after high school is to attend a college around Indiana, but she still searching and discovering different majors. She hopes this class will help her improve her writing skills for English class.

 Freshmen Sophia Keller joined journalism because she enjoys writing about anything. To her journalism means, “getting information from people and sending it out to the public.” Keller is involved on the Speech team at PHS. A few of her hobbies are reading books, writing, and being a part of the drama club. Her plans after high school are to attend Ball State and get a degree in English and later become an English teacher for a junior high school. Keller hopes that by taking journalism it will help her improve her writing skills.

As the new writers have started their first articles, they are learning new techniques  of writing that will help them in journalism.

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