Interesting Hobbies Impact Students in Many Ways

Freshman Jasmine Baird expresses her love for writing in the school library. Photo By: Janessa Salazar

Freshman Jasmine Baird expresses her love for writing in the school library. Photo By: Janessa Salazar

By Nicole Snare

Students may not only be involved in school activities, but may also have a unique and interesting hobby that creates a fun way to spend time.

Hobbies are a way of showing one’s special talent. In ways, hobbies can symbolize what something means to a person. Students at Plymouth High School were asked what their hobbies are, and sophomore Jake Dewar said, “Powerlifting (or weightlifting) is a big hobby of mine.” He dedicates almost all of his free-time into lifting. Everyday from 6-8:30 he is striving to make himself better and better. Starting this interest at about eleven years old Dewar said, “It gives me the best feeling in the world. It also helps with my health, and the way my physique looks.”

Along with Dewar, sophomore Tyler Irwin likes to stay in shape. He spends most of his time practicing shooting at a basketball court near his house. Irwin said he likes this hobby so much because it, “releases stress and it clears my mind.” He does his best to take time out every day to keep this important hobby in his life. Hobbies like sports have impacted the lives of numerous teenagers. Sophomore Stacy Diaz and junior Megan Maxwell both have a love for the game soccer. Maxwell has been playing since preschool and has not stopped since. She said her family and friends have impacted her the most when it comes to soccer. As for Diaz, she has been playing since she was eight, but her freshman year was when she first began playing on an actual team. Her reason for joining is because she, “likes meeting new people and being part of a team.”

As for others, a relaxing hobby may be more appealing to them. Senior Nick Bayley has always maintained a passion for golfing. Beginning golf at about four or five years old Bayley said, “At a young age, I began to play golf due to my dad being a PGA Golf Professional.” Along with Bayley, others students share how they enjoy the peace of calming hobbies. Freshman Jasmine Baird said one of her biggest hobbies is writing. At about ten years old, she decided writing was going to have a big impact on her life. Baird said, “Many of my English teachers have pushed me into writing and it has become an interest to me, as well as a hobby, throughout the years.” She has gained such enthusiasm for writing because it helps her let out all of her emotions onto one piece of paper. “Writing makes my life more interesting and helps me to just be myself.”

Sophomore Jake Dewar spends most of his free-time weightlifting. Photo provided by: Jake Dewar

Sophomore Jake Dewar spends most of his free-time weightlifting. Photo provided by: Jake Dewar

Writing is not the only way to express oneself. Freshman Mikaela Jernstrom explains that she loves to show her personality by singing and dancing everyday. Ever since she was little, her enthusiasm for singing has not faded. She says that it just comes naturally now that she has had all these years of practice. Jernstrom said that this hobby is interesting to her because it is unique hearing, “what ranges your voice can do to different songs.”

For some students, one hobby is just not enough. Freshman Victoria Leazenby juggles basketball, track, softball, tennis, board games, swimming, 4-H, and hanging out with friends all throughout the year. Leazenby said, “These hobbies have an impact on my life because they keep me in line and they keep my schedule filled so that I don’t have time to do things that are bad.” She likes keeping herself busy because she knows what is best for her.

Hobbies have played a huge role in the lives of numerous teenagers; they are a way of helping individuals express feelings and emotions.

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