Mrs. McLochlin was a former cheerleader at Johnston City High School and now she teaches various math classes and shows her Plymouth Pride. Photo by: Isabelle Miller
By Isabelle Miller
Plymouth High School teachers tell stories about their high school experience and how high school has changed since they were teenagers.
Have you ever wondered what your favorite teachers were like in high school? Where did they go and what year did they graduate? Did they participate in any Sports or Clubs? Seven of PHS’s teachers tell about their very own high school experience.
Mrs. Tyree graduated in 1981, from Seymour High School in Seymour, Indiana. She was very active in German Club, Latin Club, Drama Club, and Speech and Debate. Her favorite subject was Advanced Choir. Her funniest memory of her time at high school is, “One of the plays I was in I played a Saloon owner from the 1850’s so I had this huge blonde wig and I wore a red dance hall dress. The cast started calling me Dolly Parton with how the dress fit and the wig on.” She described herself as a very outgoing and dedicated student who took school seriously and enjoyed spending time with friends.
Mr. Ames graduated in 1988, from Twin Lakes High School in Monticello. He was in Marching Band, a Yearbook Editor, French Club, and Spanish Club. His favorite subjects were Band, Art, and English. He said his funniest memory was, “I worked at Indiana Beach for nearly 20 years (all through middle school and high school). In high school, I worked in the Dr. Frankenstein’s Haunted Castle. My job was to scare the ba-jeezers out of everyone. Back in those days you could chase, scare, and jump out at people. It was the best job ever! I got paid to have fun frightening small children and old ladies all day long! If you know me well, I am an avid practical joker. This was the perfect job for me as a teenager!” Mr. Ames was voted Class Shyest all four years in the yearbook.

New teacher Mr. Corso is starting his teaching career at Plymouth. In previous years during school, he worked in a bagel store, an ice cream shop, and inspected corn.
Photo by: Isabelle Miller
Mr. Mayer graduated in 2002, from PHS. He didn’t participate in any sports or clubs, and his favorite subjects were History, Government, and Family and Consumer Science classes. His favorite teachers were Mrs. Jaynes, Mr. Hassett, Mr. Benge, Mr. Waymouth, and Mr. Beguin. His most interesting memory from his high school days “In 1998 when the first Harry Potter book came out, before the series exploded into popularity, nobody knew what it was and I was the very first person to check the book out here at PHS. I just gave it a shot thinking it would be a good story, and it was, but after I read it BAM, that book and that entire series became like the most popular thing of all time. I’ve always thought it was cool, in a Hipster way, that I read it before it became big!” Mr. Mayer was hipster before it was cool!
Mr. Corso graduated in 2006 from Chesterton High School, in Chesterton, Indiana. He participated in speech and his favorite subject was English. When Mr. Corso was in high school, his perception of English was, “Not at first; [most] English teachers were insufferable and in love with their books. As the years progressed, English became more about enjoying reading and writing.” Mr Corso worked in a bagel store, an ice cream shop, and inspected corn. Mr. Corso says, “The movie Ferris Bueller’s Day Off was based on my life in high school. Need I say more?”
Mr. Kozlovich graduated in 2002, from Wausau West High School in Wausau, Wisconsin. He was on the Football and Track teams, participated on Debate team, and in Student Government. His favorite subjects were history and government. During high school he bagged groceries and worked in Menards. Mr Kozlovich describes himself while he was in high school as, “Into a little bit of everything–athletics, academics, & student government. I didn’t fall into any stereotype category!”
Miss Faulstich graduated from Plymouth High School in 1985. Miss Faulstich was not on any sports teams but she was a member of the Speech team, was active in the theater department, and was a member of Crimson. Her favorite subjects were Speech and Theater but she also enjoyed Science, with the exception of chemistry. Miss Faulstich says, “Back in the 80s, I loved homecoming week! It seemed like everyone in the whole school dressed up for spirit days– especially the seniors. And because the seniors did it, everyone else thought it was cool and did it too. Now though, I have to admit that I was SCARED during a recent spirit-day dress-up situation because the theme of the dress-up day was 80s. That must mean I am really old.” As a teenager Miss Faulstich, “Loved hanging out with friends and having fun, and worried a lot about getting straight As, had really big 80s hair, and got kicked out of health class once for being ‘insubordinate’.” “I didn’t know what that word truly meant so I had to look it up in the dictionary.(We didn’t have google)”

Graduating with the class of 1985, Miss Faulstich now teaches her favorite subject Theater Arts and Tech Theater. Photo by: Isabelle Miller
Mrs. McLochlin graduated in 1987 from Johnston City High School in Johnston City, Illinois. Mrs. McLochlin was a cheerleader, played softball, and volleyball She was very active in club participation with Student Council, Spanish Club, Math Team, National Honor Society, Pep Club, Show Choir, Drama, and Band. Her favorite subject was math. She describes herself as, “Was a bright, active, kind-hearted overachiever!”
Every day students enjoy learning a little bit more about their favorite PHS teachers.