With Modern Technology the World is Changing One Step at a Time

By Stephanie Ford

Sophomore Josh Mora takes some time from lunch to explain how excited he is about modern technology.
Photo By: Stephanie Ford

The world has come a long way since the first computer came out now there is new technology that people back then would have never dreamed of.
The first computer was invented in 1975 and it was nothing compared to what the new computers look like today. There are all types of different devices that have been invented using technology. There are many cell phones, desktop computers, laptops and radios that have been invented since then. Students share their opinions on the new high-tech devices and how they affect the daily lives of people.
The new devices that students want range from a simple cell phone to a complicated automobile scanner. Senior Derrick Beatty says, “One device I want to have is an OBD2 automobile scanner.” The scanner is a device that one can plug into his or her car and it will tell one what is wrong with the car. Sophomore Josh Mora says, “I have an Itouch and a few pieces of musical equipment and I want some foot petals for my amp.” Along with many things in the modern world the Itouch is touch screen. Music is also advancing with all the new editing techniques that have been discovered. Another thing kind of like the Itouch is the Ipad that is like the Itouch but a lot bigger and more like a mini-laptop. Since most things are becoming touch screen some people may like that or some may not. Mora says, “If it’s mine then sweet, but if everyone is using it then eww! I’m a bit of a germ-a-phobe.” With touch screen, the fingerprints are left behind and that can become quite a mess for some people. Combs and Smith both agree that they love the new touch screen things. Beatty seems to disagree in some ways he says, “touch screen is okay in it’s own way, it has its good and its bads.” Not only are there just devices like computers that have been invented but many new cell phones that are able to complete some of the same tasks. Senior James Smith says, “I would like to have the Droid phone.” The Droid phone is a new Verizon Wireless phone that has many applications and accessories that one can take advantage of. It is nothing compared to the old cell phones that first came out.
Technology has its advantages and disadvantages for adults and students. A lot of times people will say it has made a negative impact on the lives of small children. They say this simply because their children may sit inside and play video games rather than playing outside and being interactive with other kids. Others may say “Technology has made life so much better for people. There has been so many advances in medicine,” says Combs. There has definitely been some advances in medicine thanks to technology we can now understand more of what the causes and effects of different medicines are and what can cure certain diseases. Mora says, “I find that technology is a lot like other things, there is a good and a bad side. The bad side is people get sucked into the technology world and don’t face reality. The good side is because of the communication.” Many people have cell phones for communication, they can then talk to whoever they want by just a click of a few buttons. It works the same way on line, a lot of people use instant messengers and sites like FaceBook and MySpace for fast communication. Junior Kitt Hersick says, “Nothing is private anymore.” When someone posts something on the Internet, it is there for everyone to see and many things really are not private anymore like they used to be.
Although communicating online is easier some people would rather talk in person. Combs says, “I would rather talk to someone in person because then you can see what their facial expressions are and it is more personal.” It does help to be able to see the person you are talking to as far as how they respond to what you are saying. Another reason for talking in person would be “it lets me know who they really are,” Mora says. Some people prefer talking over the keyboard though, Smith says, “I like talking online better, in person is harder because you have to worry about your appearance.” Some people are very self conscious and maybe they feel like they can be themselves more over the Internet.
Since many will argue about whether kids are spending more time inside or outside some students were asked whether or not they still spend their time outside or rather inside. Smith says, “Inside, because I’m not much of an outside person.” Maybe technology has no effect on some people, they just like to stay inside and be comfortable. Mora says, “No, I’m an outside person, but I take the technology stuff outside.” Some people have found a way to still stay connected to the online world and be outside at the same time and with modern technology that is able to happen. Combs admits, “I probably spend more time inside, but I try to be outside whenever I can. TV is not that important to me, it’s not like I need it.” TV has become a bit of a distraction mostly to little kids watching the new cartoons that are on, but for others they aren’t fazed by what is on TV.
The use of technology can be both rewarding and frustrating at the same time. Students share their opinions about things being more on line. Combs says, “I think technology is kind of frustrating because having to do stuff on line at school and then having to pull it up at home does not always work, and then you don’t have what you need the next day for class.” The hard part about a lot of classes is the problem with saving stuff to the right format so it will open wherever you access it at.
Technology provides a wide variety of devices for every person. These things can be customized to fit each person’s likes and dislikes. Most students really enjoy having the use of technology in school and think that it could possibly help them advance in their classes.

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