Three PHS Students Take on a New Challenge

After Spring Break the three select students were presented with a new project to build a yard barn. Photo by: Rebeca Lee

After Spring Break the three select students were presented with a new project to build a yard barn. Photo by: Rebeca Lee


By Rebeca Lee

With their love for hands on work, the satisfaction of building, and creating something new,  three students from the Construction Processes class were selected and assigned to build a yard barn.

The idea came about when instructor  Mr. Ken Robinson found he had some students that were repeating the class for the second or third time because they enjoyed it so much. As soon as the students came back from Spring Break, freshman Thomas Hanthorn, sophomore Martin Fish, and junior Zachary Galloway found out about their project, building a 10′ x 18′ yard barn. Mr. Robinson is unsure that they will be able to finish this project by the end of the year but has high hopes that they will be able to come back and finish it at the start of next year. Mr. Robinson said, “I did not want to stress them out with a time schedule for them to adhere to so there has not been one.”

The three boys work diligently on their yard barn to get as much done as they can before school gets out. Photo by: Rebeca Lee

The three boys work diligently on their yard barn to get as much done as they can before school gets out. Photo by: Rebeca Lee

Zachary Galloway is fascinated with the idea of building. Galloway has taken the class Construction Processes for two trimesters, and is one of the students that was chosen to work on an alternative task than what the other students are doing. One reason he enjoys building is the result of the inspiration of his grandfather. Galloway adds that, “Whatever my mom needs, my grandpa builds it.” Galloway also enjoys this class because he has the opportunity to work “hands on.”  On this project his task is to work the drill when putting together the yard barn.

Galloway is not the only one with a love for building. Building and playing with Legos is now a hobby for Thomas Hanthorn. He also has passion for building, which is why he joined the course, Construction Processes. Hanthorn has been in the class for two trimesters now and enjoys it because he gets the opportunity to do hands on tasks. Hanthorn will do anything when it comes to working on the yard barn, he said, “I just do anything anyone asks.”

The students working on the yard barn all share a common enjoyment of building and have fun working together on this prestigious task. Photo by: Rebeca Lee

The students working on the yard barn all share a common enjoyment of building and having  fun working together on this prestigious task. Photo by: Rebeca Lee

Since his freshman year, Martin Fish has been in Construction Processes. He finds this class nice and fun, and likes the idea that he gets to work hands on. When doing his part in building the yard barn, he considers himself the leader of the three and helps run the operation. Fish said, “I just try to keep an eye on people and help figure out ideas for building the shed.” Since this is Fish’s third trimester in the class, he has all the work completed for this class. As his third time in Construction Processes, he as well as the other students have been through the other projects they complete in class.

Mr. Robinson said, “The students’ work ethic is excellent; they are very excited about working on it every day.” All three students agree that building a project as big as a yard barn can be a fun but also a hard task. Getting all the ideas to work together is challenging but in the end they all share the love and appreciation of building and working hands on with each other.



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