For sophomore Stephanie Boyle her love for reading did not start until she was in, “7th grade and my dad got me this book in Florida…That just started me reading a lot.” Photo by: Courtney Black
By Chloe Boule
Reading is something different to everyone. To some, it is a chore, to others it can be their favorite thing to do.
Freshman Keith Longanecker prefers to read action books because they are interesting and amazing. He accidentally rereads books he has already read because he can not keep track of them all. Sophomore Stephanie Boyle has kept track of all the books she has read since 2010. She always has a book to read because she enjoys reading. She said she’s up to “705,[books] not counting the ones that I have reread over and over and over again.” She likes to read mystery and adventure, and tells everyone who will listen to read her favorite books Like Wild Magic and Wolf Speaker by Tamora Pierce.
While most people who enjoy reading have always liked it since as long as they could read, Boyle says.“I didn’t really read until I was in 7th grade and my dad got me this book in Florida. That just started me reading a lot.” Senior Audra Lloyd prefers intelligent books with a good storyline, and she also said she likes books that “take me into a new world, and really make me admire the author for their ingenuity.” She wanted to read before she even knew how, she said “When I was in kindergarten I told my mom I wished that I could read.”
Senior Ashley Stokes says she keeps track of all the books she reads by using, “a site called Goodreads, which is like Facebook for books.”
All three students stated that they read every chance they get.