Students Discuss Their Most Challenging Trimesters at PHS

Nathan Williams is getting supplies out of his locker to prepare himself for another school day.  Photo by: Courtney Black

Nathan Williams is getting supplies out of his locker to prepare himself for another school day. Photo by: Courtney Black

By Courtney Black

Students’  high school years are the most important ones. However, students may be challenged by having difficult classes.

Plymouth High School is divided into three different trimesters. The classes taken during the trimester allow for different credits to be earned. Every student takes different classes for different reasons, but sometimes they need to take certain classes in order to graduate. Sometimes, if a student has too many difficult classes, it can make the whole trimester seem longer. Senior Aiden Osman said, “Second trimester was the hardest because I had Pre Calculus Honors, English 12 ACP and AP Psychology at the same time.” With so much on his plate, Osman did it not like that trimester the best. Students in high school will experience a hard class sometime in their school year. Agreeing with Osman, sophomore Faith Hutchens said, “first trimester was the hardest for me because that’s when I had all of my hard classes, such as Spanish and ICP.”  In most cases, students like to have classes where they can have fun. Freshman Kiara Meadors said, “My favorite class would have to be speech because I get to express myself with my writing.” Hard classes are not the only reason why students might struggle in school. Meadors said, “I was trying to get used to being in high school and getting into the swing of things.” Since it was Medor’s first year of high school, she found her first trimester to be the most difficult. For Medors, “biology was the hardest class because it’s hard for me to apply the things I learn to tests and activities.”

Not all of high school is difficult. Sophomore Nathan Williams said, “I loved the third trimester because I have lots of awesome classes and some amazing teachers.” The materials the students have in school are important, but the teachers are as just as important. Students have teachers that they enjoy for different reasons. Williams said, “Mr. Beguin is an amazing teacher and explains things so clear that my little sister could probably understand it while being funny.” Teachers have a big impact on students’ lives in the classrooms while teaching. When a teacher connects with the students, the students feels more welcomed into their classroom. Osman said, “Mr. Rust is a great teacher but I just despise the material.” It is truly an amazing thing when a teacher can make memories with their students.

Nathan Williams walks into Mr. Beguin's class to enhance his learning of geometry.  Photo by: Courtney Black

Nathan Williams walks into Mr. Beguin’s class to enhance his learning of geometry. Photo by: Courtney Black

Students should not only appreciate the school, but also value the skills of their teachers. Osman said “Marching Band is my favorite. Great Memories.” The students that were interviewed had a pattern in their responses for my questions. The pattern was liking easy classes. Sophomore Nadia Baca said, “I love Chinese class and it’s easy for me.” Baca is not the only one that thinks easy classes are the best. Hutchens said “Second trimester was easy because I really didn’t have very many hard classes and  it was just an easy and fun trimester. Easy trimesters make happy students at PHS.”

Six out of the seven students that were interviewed for this article said that third trimester is the easiest. Osman and Meadors agreed to liking this trimester the best because they did not have math. The interviewed students like this trimester so much, very few of them would like to change it. Osman said, “I like all the classes this trimester. Nothing this trimester really bothers me too much.” Even though students mentioned the trimester is not difficult,  it will still  prepare them for college. High school is four short years of the students’ lives that prepares them for the real world.

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