By: Courtney Black
Pinterest is a social bookmarking site that lets the user “pin” items that they enjoy. Plymouth teens have been on Pinterest to get ideas for food, hairstyles, clothes, and more.
Pinterest can be an addicting website that is full of pictures and tips for the viewers. It is a website that allows users to “pin” pictures and or videos, that they find on the website, to their pinboard and share them with others. These pinboards can contain any images from wedding ideas to tips for raising children. Sophomore Mackenzie Schuler said, “Women’s fashion is my favorite because it gives me ideas and there are really cute stuff on there.” It is natural for a girl to try to look her best. Pinterest is an excellent site with tutorials that show the viewers how to create new clothing. Clothing tips are not the only thing that Pinterest has to offer. Sophomore Delaney Keiser said, “My favorite category is hair because I just like to look at the pictures.” When Keiser was interviewed, she said, “I have tried hairstyles and they turned out pretty good.” Keiser is not the only one that is trying new styles with her hair. English teacher Ms. Kristin Dorland said “My favorite category is recipes because I like to cook.” Ms. Dorland also said “I have tried recipes and they have turned out good. I have also tried hairstyles and they did not turn out, but that was my fault. And I have also tried crafts but they did not turn out.” Pinterest has become more and more popular over time.
People like the website because it helps pass time in an interesting way. Schuler said, “I like Pinterest because it is a good way to waste time.”With computers in schools, it is easier for students to get distracted from their studies. When interviewed, students confirmed that Pinterest can be educational in some ways. Keiser said,“Yes it is education because you can learn crafts to do for different subjects.” Sometimes, teacher and students disagree on educational topics, but in this case, one teacher agrees. Ms. Dorland said “I think that Pinterest is a wide database website with information that let[s] you have the benefit of knowing how certain things worked for different people.” Pinterest is good for teachers also. A few teachers at Plymouth use Pinterest for ideas in their classroom. Ms. Dorland said,“I have seen a lot of articles of how teachers use Pinterest for their classroom.” Ms. Dorland has not done any classroom activities yet on Pinterest but she plans to.
Teachers and teens are not the only ones on Pinterest. Both Schuler and Keiser said their moms introduced them to Pinterest. Pinterest is getting more and more attention with each passing day. Ms. Dorland said “I have shown my sister and other family members.” Pinterest is a good website because it gives the viewer ideas to spice up their routine. Keiser said “ I like Pinterest because I like to look at different things.” When on Pinterest, the viewer can look at what other people like as well. Schuler said “I like all the different categories and I like how you can follow people and see what they like.” With easy access to technology the question is proposed if teens spend too much time on Pinterest. Schuler said “I probably get on about 2 or 3 times a week.”
Pinterest continues to change people’s daily in a positive way.