By: Gina Rodeghero
Seniors at Plymouth High School think about their last trimester in high school, and what they are planning to do after graduation.
When it comes down to the final twelve weeks for seniors, a variety of feelings surface. Morgan O’Neal said, “I am very excited! I am ready to move on and start my life!” Walking across the stage to receive the diploma is like a victory. Chelsey Thomas said, “I am very excited, but at the same time I am a little sad because I won’t be able to see my teachers anymore. But, I’m excited because that means I won’t have to get up early and sit in classes all day long!!” Working for the past four the past years has been towards receiving the diploma. Kayla Guyberson said, “It’s exhilarating and exciting, and scary. I can’t even begin to describe how crazy it is that we’re going to be graduation in less than 3 months. I’m happy, and sad all at the same time. Some of my best memories are in this school. My favorite teachers, my best friends, it’s really crazy.” Having mixed emotions about leaving the high school is to be expected with graduation just down the road. “I feel really excited,” said Hayley Long because “this is my last time to be a kid before I have to go into the world and be a true adult.” With graduation only thirteen weeks away, the seniors are preparing to experience a new change.
Throughout four years of high school, there are many changes that occur not only with the school but with the students as well. Adilene Peynado said,“Yes I have to worry about money and college. Usually around this time I am so chill and ready for summer. Now I have to worry about scholarships and college. Also, it’s hard to think that I might never see the people I grew up [with] since kindergarten.” This class has seen PHS transition into only using computers, and have also witnessed the process of planning their futures. “The only changes that have really made that much of an impact is now I’m focusing really hard on finding a good college, planning my future once I graduate, and most of all I’m just trying to enjoy the last few months I have as a high school senior as much as I can,” said Rachel O’Brien. Going through changes in life can be difficult to adjust to a new situation. Thomas said, “Yes, there have been many changes. I have been more focused this year with everything and definitely more responsible and mature about things.” Students going through high school have quite a few changes and transitions to go through. Makaela Mahler said, “I think just the realization, is finally hitting me that everything is going to change! There is not going to be much that stays the same from here on out!”
Although the year is coming to a close, the plans for the future continue to grow and progress throughout the remaining time left in this school year. Heather Griewank said, “Go to Ball State to get my pre-requisites in to go on to get my PhD in chiropractics at Sherman University in South Carolina.” College is just one of the few choices that students can choose to pursue after graduation. Faith Read said, “I’m doing a nine month internship starting in August, for Break the Grey. I’m pretty stoked for it.” Planning for moving away or starting something new is a lot of work. Long said, “I plan on going to international Business College in Fort Wayne for Graphic Design.” College is not the only choice that seniors can choose to pursue after high school. Senior Karl Pogue said, “I hope to pursue a career in music.”
Preparations for graduation are underway for the graduating class of 2013. Ike Kastner said, “I am applying for scholarships and trying to stay in good standards with all of my teachers.” Whether it be making lists or spreadsheets or just discussing it, planning to depart from PHS has begun. Kayla Guyberson said, “I’m doing my best, keeping myself busy and working my hardest to just finish this year off the right way. Keeping my nose in the books and working hard to get that diploma.” Ordering caps and gowns is a big step during the senior year. Mahler said, “I think just the realization, is finally hitting me that everything is going to change! There is not going to be much that stays the same from here on out!”