Bridge Bust Claims First and Second Place in Competition


Above are all the participants of PHS Bridge Bust showing their hand made bridges.  They are preparing for the trip to Purdue to compete with other schools. Provided by: Mrs. Lori McClellan

Above are all the participants of PHS Bridge Bust showing their hand made bridges. They are preparing for the trip to Purdue to compete with other schools. Photo Provided by: Mrs. Lori McClellan

By Katie Sommers

Students from Plymouth High School traveled to Purdue University on Friday, March 1 to participate in a competition for Bridge Bust.

Bridge Bust is an organization and activity that allows students to build model bridges with sticks and then compete in a competition to see which bridge can hold the most weight. Junior Makayla Fox said, “It is a competition in which you build a bridge out of balsa wood to certain specified measurements and bust the bridge. The placings are determined by and based upon the efficiency of your bridge that you build.”

There are many different designs and styles of bridges that participants can design, but making the bridge hold enough weight is the tricky part. Freshman Zacc Hutchings said, “My dad helped me come up with an idea to build a truss/arch [type of bridge] bridge because arches are the second strongest structure, just behind triangles.” The bridges have sand placed on them and when the bridge breaks, the judges records the weight of the sand it held.

There are many benefits to participating in this event and organization. Learning teamwork, getting to visit a college, or getting some experience as an  architect through building are all  benefits of the Bridge Bust Competition. Adding to that, Junior Sommer McClellan said, “There are awards if you win the busting competition such as cash prizes, scholarships, and Purdue apparel.”

Whether being involved in this organization for one year or four, all the members have enjoyed some part of the Bridge Bust Competition. Junior Nate Mahan said, “This is actually my first year and I enjoy the engineering experience that I get out it.” On the other hand, Junior Emily Denney said she this is her second year and she enjoys watching the competition with the bridges that were made.

Winning first place in Structural Efficiency and collecting his trophy is freshman Will Houser.  He received a 445 in efficiency. Provided by: Mrs. Lori McClellan

Winning first place in Structural Efficiency and collecting his trophy is freshman Will Houser. He received a 445 in efficiency. Photo Provided by: Mrs. Lori McClellan

Bridge Bust competition provided many accomplishments and successes. PHS placed first and second in the competition. Placing first for Structural Efficiency was freshman Will Houser with an efficiency rate of 445. Placing second for Structural Efficiency were freshmen Zacc Hutchings and Melanie Cooper with an efficiency rate of 441. It was an overall success and one of the best years of competition.

The PHS members of the Bridge Bust competition are proud of their accomplishments and performance at Purdue. Claiming 1st and 2nd place was something that these members will remember.

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