The Boys Tennis Team Plays to Win

By Stephanie Ford

Concentrating on scoring one for the team Senior Kyle Cartwright starts off with a great serve.
Photo By: Stephanie Ford

The Boys Tennis team this year is unlike any other, as they practice almost everyday and work hard for what they hope to accomplish this year.
Coach Michael Delp and his assistant Brad Haeck work together to make sure the team is getting the knowledge and the skills they need to have a great season and win their matches. All of the boys involved in Tennis this year practiced during the summer and have shown it already this year. They have to learn many different techniques and serves to be able to do as well as they do.

Seniors Kyle Cartwright and Matt Sheetz explain the different types of serves; Flat being “hard and straight,” Slice – “spins to the side after hitting the ground,” and Topspin – ”kicks up in air.” One of the most important things to remember when one is getting ready to hit the tennis ball is how his or her feet are placed and how he or she moves his or her body towards the ball. Senior Deven Berger says the most important thing to know before one starts a tennis match is to “relax and remember to have fun. If one is tense and all about competition he or she will often find themselves  frustrated  with  the  game.“ Junior Luke Bumpus says, “You need to be mentally tough before a match, know how your opponent plays.” Knowing the other persons strengths and weaknesses is important to know how to win. Junior Connor Flynn says the most important thing to know before one starts a tennis match is “to know you are going to win.”  If one starts out with a confident mind he or she will do better in the long run.  On the more critical side of tennis Junior Ryan McNeil says, “You need to know the rules and how to make line calls and you also need to know how to keep score.” If one does not know the main rules of the game he or she cannot expect to do well.

Sophomore Gabe Vervynckt says, “I think the most important thing to know before I start a tennis match is that I have the ability to beat anyone I play. I think it is important to believe in yourself because if you don’t, you will hit the bad shots and most likely lose bad and just embarrass yourself.” Having the confidence of winning is going to provide for a better outcome.
A lot of people have different techniques to getting ready for a match. Vervynckt says, “Personally, I do better before a Tennis match if I envision my shots before I play. I feel like I hit better shots in the match when I see myself do it beforehand.” For many people just concentrating on the game helps, Sophomore Kameron Eisenhour says, “To think about what I need to do to win helps.” Most of getting ready for the game just takes practice and focus on the game and nothing else. Matt Sheetz says, “I prepare mentally by thinking about my shots and serves.”  Seeing the visual before it happens may help people prepare for when it actually happens, that way they know what to expect.  Berger says, “I like to just day dream on the bus. I get all of my thoughts out so when I play, there is nothing to think about to distract me.” Having a distracted mind will pull one away from the game.  Junior Jordan Sheetz says, “I like to listen to music before a tennis game.” Maybe that is Jordan Sheetz way of clearing his mind to be focused on the game.
Being in Tennis is not all about just playing to win, the boys have fun while doing it. Junior Tyler Hix says his favorite part of being on the team is “Just being part of the family.” Although the boys have many differences they have come together to be one big family because they spend a lot of time together. It is important to get along with your team mates for a successful season.  McNeil says, “The team aspect and being able to get a chance to compete day in and day out is my favorite part.” To some students being on the team is more than just having a good time. Sophomore Jack Holloway says, “Being with the coaches is the best part of being on the team.” Not only do the team members make an impact on each other but the coaches really help push the students to do better.  Vervynckt says, “My favorite part would have to be just hanging out with the guys at team dinners and just forming better friendships with them.” Being with the team all the time enables them to form bonds with each other that will last even outside of tennis season.
Many of the players have been playing longer than just while they are in high school. Berger says, “I have been playing tennis since about 3rd grade.” Some people have a lot more experience than others which allows them to teach the less experienced students to be better.  Junior Lane Singleton says, “I have been playing for about a year and a half.” When the newer tennis players start out a lot of the ones that have been playing for awhile try to guide them through the rights and wrongs on the tennis court.  Berger’s advice for new tennis players is to “relax and follow through on every shot.” If one is not relaxed and he or she are too focused on what he or she is doing wrong it will cause a distraction from the game. Bumpus says, “It can be frustrating at first, but don’t give up, practice pays off.” With that one can see that practice really does pay off because the tennis team does great every year.

Thinking about what move he’s going to make next Junior Luke Bumpus takes a break from the game against Bremen.
Photo By: Stephanie Ford

One thought on “The Boys Tennis Team Plays to Win

  1. Nice job. I think next year you should have more pictures and statistics but you didn’t have anyone to tell you that. Fantastic job!

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