Junior Ellen Smith is one of several team members participating in winter lessons. Photo by: Lauren Rearick
By Lauren Rearick
As the days become colder and snow is expected to fall, several Plymouth High School tennis players are heading indoors to begin preparations for the spring season.
The team is finding playing opportunities in a variety of forms, from private lessons to USTA (United States Tennis Association) tournaments. Junior Ellen Smith said, “I am currently taking lessons in Warsaw. I took them last year too.” Smith also plans to challenge herself by entering tournaments during her spare time. “I hope to participate in some tournaments this year. I got my USTA card for the winter, and I know that those will help me to get better,” she said. Fellow team member Mikayla German is currently taking winter lessons in Goshen, along with sister Marissa German. “Marissa and I take lessons in Goshen every Monday with Lauren Rearick, Luke Vervynckt, and Coach Haeck,” she said.
While traveling to indoor courts in Warsaw and Goshen may be time-consuming, team members all agree that their efforts will pay off in the long run. When asked how winter lessons would better prepare her for the spring season, Marissa German said, “It will help me to improve my overall doubles game.” Mikayla German agreed that winter court time would benefit her doubles skills, adding, “Lessons will prepare me for better court position and better hitting position, and it will help me to serve better.”
Although many team members have already begun winter lessons and tournaments, it is not too late for others interested in participating to become involved. Smith said, “Anyone interested should definitely contact one of the coaches for more information.” Mikayla German added, “Previous team members who are interested in playing can contact Lauren Rearick, Marissa German, Ellen Smith, or myself for details and dates that we are practicing.” If you are seeking ways to improve your game and keep the winning tradition of Plymouth tennis alive, take advantage of the playing opportunities available to you this winter and get back in the game.