Freshman Elizabeth Jackson, junior Allyson Bender, and sophomore Guadalupe Ortiz join the staff of Pilgrim Perspective. Photo by: Gina Rodeghero
By Gina Rodeghero
Brainstorming ideas, writing questions, and writing articles are a process everyone who takes journalism learns. Every year on the first day of school, the journalism class welcomes new members to the staff who are eager to learn more about the class.
Trimester one of this year has welcomed three new members to the journalism staff. Junior Allyson Bender, Freshman Elizabeth Jackson, and Sophomore Guadalupe Ortiz. Right away the new members are taught how to brainstorm ideas, create questionnaires, send the questions out and collect answers, and of course then form an article.

Allyson Bender and Elizabeth Jackson type furiously to complete their articles. Photo by: Gina Rodeghero
Bender a new staff writer joined journalism because “I need a way to get the writing out of my system for the day. I tend to write stories, poems, and songs in the middle of class. So to join a class that I can write in without getting in trouble is a good thing in my mind.” Loving to write is a great asset to have when joining journalism because there is a lot of writing involved. Bender will also be participating in other activities this year such as band, she wants to try out for track, and she is trying to start a club for anyone who likes Japanese comics. Her favorite part of writing in journalism is “asking questions, because I can learn a bit about the people that read our newspaper and see from their point of view.” Bender also enjoys reading, writing, drawing, Halloween, and role-playing.
Ortiz joined journalism because, “I thought it would be fun. Plus, I love to write.” Not only is she a new member of journalism but she intends to join H.E.A.R.T club, Key club, and F.T.A. Before joining the staff she was interested in journalism because her sister is in journalism, but after her freshman year she realized that she loved to write. Ortiz’s top five favorite things about journalism include, “I love to write about everything, a whole class dedicated to writing, it is fun, we get to skip a day to go to Ball State University, and I like to go out and take pictures.” In journalism class the students have learned many new things already. Ortiz shared a few of those things that she has learned. “I learned about lead writing, in English we were taught that our introduction has to list the main point, have some examples of things we were going to write about, and a transition. But in journalism, we just have to get to the gist of the article in as few words as possible.”
Being a new staff writer Jackson explained why she joined the staff. “I’ve always loved writing, and I was so in love with the fact that new reporters get to get the hard hitting facts before anybody else. Plus I loved being able to have my stories published in the school newspaper,” explains Jackson. Besides being in journalism Jackson has many other hobbies, “I am a Facebook addict. However, I also love going on runs, taking pictures, being with my friends and family.” Her top five favorite things about journalism this year include, “Being able to be the ones that get to tell our school the important information. Being involved in school activities. Being able to show my writing talents to all of the school body.
Meeting new people that I can now call my friends. Being able to have my ideas thrown out there and they be put to good use.”
Although this is just the start of the new year these three new members of the staff are expanding their knowledge of journalism.