It’s the Same-name Mix Up

Freshmen Jessica Knill and Jessica Celmer are best friends and they both have the same names. Photo by: Layne Holloway

By Layne Holloway
It is the same-name mix up and it is spreading across Plymouth High School. With classes of 15 or more students, one is bound to come across students who have the same name in the same class.
The common feeling seems to be that having the same name as someone else in class is “confusing!” said sophomore Haley Snyder. She vents about how in every period of the day she only has two periods where she is the only Haley. Freshman Mariah Tepper sympathizes and in her case states, “I have never met more Mariahs than I have here in Plymouth.”
These students have come up with creative ways to fix the problem though. Most of them “invent some kind of nickname,” said sophomore Emily Eveland, and sophomore Haley Nault agrees saying that she also asks to be called by her last name.
These students are not the only ones getting confused. The teachers have to find some way to handle it, and from the student’s point of view, “they handle it well” Nault said. Sophomore Michael Meyer said, “[Mr. Coffman] separates us so we are on the opposite sides of the room.” Eveland agrees and says, “[Mrs. Wendt] does a good job about trying to keep us separated.”
It might be hard having two students with the same names, but throughout her day, Mrs. McClellan has a total of 12 students that have the same names in her classes. Some of those students include, Matthew Scutchfield, Nathan Williams, Michael Meyer, Michael Hartman, Haley Adams, Haley Traski, and Josh Foor. That is not all in one period, of course. There are only two periods where she does not have to worry about separating two students with the same names.
As confusing as it may be, students and teachers find ways to make this fun. They handle it well and sometimes even get a kick out of it.

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