PHS Students are Keeping Current

Sophomore Emmelyn Brandt sits down and gets current with daily events in Plymouth. Photo by: Rebeca Lee

By Rebeca Lee
PHS students are keeping up to date with the world’s everyday news and PHS’s current events. Although many students have their schedules booked with school, work, and extra-curricular activities, students still try to keep up to date with current events. Junior Brian Deacon said “I do when I can. You can be so busy with other things the news can be the last thing on your mind.” Keeping up to date with the news is a good thing, according to Junior Traci Longanecker, Sophomore Logan Richards, and Junior Brian Deacon.

Junior Traci Longanecker tries to keep current with the news so she knows what is going on around her. Deacon said he tries to keep up to date because “If something happened and there’s a way to help, people should listen to it.” People like to be ‘in the loop’ and know whats going on around them than be set apart and know nothing. Teens at PHS are the same way- even if it does not affect them it’s always good to learn more.

When listening or reading the news, PHS students have found many things that have caught their attention recently. Lately there has been a lot of news on things such as the tornadoes in the south, gas prices and the Republican primaries. Logan Richards said, “The Republican primaries have gained my attention, but I am by no means Republican. I just like watching them to stay up to date. Also, the possibility of war with Iran has caught my attention.” Teens over the years have found a bit of interest in news. Students are finding out how much the events around them have an impact on them.

At PHS there are numerous ways of catching up on the news. Figuring out the things that are going on, when certain events are and learning more about other activities is easy to access at PHS. There are plenty of current events posted on the PHS website, as well as the Pilgrim Perspective newspaper. Logan Richards said keeping up to date with PHS is not hard, “I look at the Corporation’s website for information that directly impacts me.”

Whether students get their news on the radio, television, newspapers, online, Pilgrim Perspective, or daily announcements; it is important for all students to keep a handle on current events. The more informed students are of what is going on in the world the better decisions they can make. Richards said, “We all live on this world and I believe I should have some idea what is going on in it.”

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