PHS Students Explain Friendship


Best friends Kirsten Pressler and Taylor Smith just being themselves with each other. Photo submitted by: Taylor Smith

By Courtney Edge

Friendship is a strong bond between people.  PHS students share facts about their friends and what friendship means to them. They also talk about how they socialize and interact with their friends at school.

“Friendship can’t be described or defined. It’s the best way to be with any people or person” said freshman Kirsten Pressler. Pressler said “I am friends with anyone and everyone.” Pressler also said “that it is better to keep everyone equal as long as you trust them,”  and “everyone deserves to be treated equally no matter what.” Pressler says that she likes to socialize a lot and that she prefers to interact with people in person rather than online. When  her friends say that socializing online is easier rather than in person,  Pressler disagrees with them completely. Over the weekend Pressler occupies her time with friends.  She said “it gives her something to do.” Pressler describes herself as “friendly” and her favorite thing to do with friends is just “being with friends.”

Sophomore Cassie Irwin said that “she has a mixed gender of friends” and treats everyone of her friends, girl or guy, equally. She said, “it’s just rude to treat them differently.” When Irwin socializes, she likes to do it in person and online. Irwin said that she has “a lot of friends,” and that she likes to “just sit around and chill and joke around.” Irwin said that friendship means “always being there for each other. Someone that has your back in any type of situation.”

“Friendship to me means that you can trust them with anything, and don’t have to worry about them going behind your back doing something,” said  junior Kailey Whitley. Whitley said that a small group of friends is better rather than a large group because “that way you can get real close to them.” Whitley said that sometimes she puts some of her friends before others. Whitley said that she “tends to have more guy friends” rather that girl friends “because it causes less drama.” Whitley said she prefers to socialize in person at school and on her free time. When Whitley spends time with friends,  she likes “to go out and have fun doing stupid things.”

“My favorite thing to do with a friend normally would be just to hang out and have some fun,” said senior Juan Chavez. “I think a lot of people would like to consider themselves my friends in general, but personally, I like to have a small group of friends,” said Chavez about having a group of friends. Chavez has a small group of friends and he does have a best friend, but he would not put that person above his other friends. Chavez goes on to say that “I actually have friends of both genders equally,” Chavez spends more time with his friends on the weekend than at school. “My favorite thing to do with a friend normally would be just to hang out and have some fun,” said Chavez.

“Friendship is having a relationship with someone. Knowing that you can tell them anything and they’ll always be there for you. You can act how you want and be yourself, and they love you for it,” said freshman Taylor Smith. “I socialize and stay in touch with people mostly in person. If it’s not in person, it’s through a text message” said Smith. “I am very friendly,” said Smith then she said later, “I have a lot of friends, and I love it!” “I do not keep all my friends at the same level. There are just certain special people that you can have honest and in depth conversations with, and I hold those people higher on my friends list. I am also very thankful for the dorky  friends that I have that make my day, everyday,” said Smith.

All of these students gave a little inside of their friendly side and explained what friendship meant to them.

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