Emily Trump’s Mission Trip to Guatemala Helped Others

Freshman Emily Trump is eager to help others and make a difference in not only other countries but in her own community. Photo by: Haylee Schuh

By Haylee Schuh

Going to a different country can be an thrilling experience, but when going out of the country to help people in need and learn about different cultures can be truly fulfilling. Like many individuals, sometimes people look at things to closely instead of looking at the bigger picture, and that is the process of lending a hand to others while enjoying the actuality of a new environment.

Going to Guatemala was a completely new way of living for Emily Trump’s mission group. They had to learn many new customs to what they take for granted in everyday life. Freshman Emily Trump said, “My lifestyle changed by realizing how much these people appreciate when they have so little. We built a house for a family that had nothing and it was smaller than my room. They were so grateful for something so small. Also, we gave the people these shoes because they get worms in their feet because most of them walk barefoot because they have no shoes. They were so grateful for them. God worked a lot in my life while I was there. He made me realize how greedy we can sometimes be and how we take some things for granted.” To know that people have a lot less than others can make us do incredible things because it just takes someone to realize that just being one person can make a big difference.

Even with major changes of comfort and accessibility to things the scenery and people there shed a new light on what makes Guatemala inspiring and beautiful. Trump said, “Guatemala is fascinating. There are houses stacked upon each other, but it has gorgeous scenery. There are some farmers that if you look with binoculars, you can see them farming, and see the sloping of the hills with all the vegetation. The kids there are so fun and amazing. I met so many cute, little kids and I love them so much! Our mission leader says that once you’ve met them, they will never forget you.” Guatemala might not be the most prosperous country when it comes to money, but they do have an alluring environment they call home.

The sole purpose of this trip was for the mission group members to learn about themselves and how they could help people in need. By having familiarity with different cultures this can give them a new outlook on life. In a sense it was also learning more about themselves  and how it is easy to lose sight of what really matters most. Trump said, “My purpose for the mission’s trip was to minister to the people there, give them shoes, and learn more about God.”

Their country and culture is very diverse from the country and the luxury everyone in the United States live in.  Trump said. “I learned that they have barely nothing to live by. Some houses are stacked on top of each other and made of tin. I also learned that if you take a certain amount of food, it is considered rude if you don’t eat it all.”

When individuals go somewhere new to live and stay in a foreign environment, it is a very emotional experience and brings them closer to these people. Trumps said on keeping contact with those people of Guatemala, “No, we can’t keep in touch with the people there, except for the mission leader there, unless we go back and re-visit.” Which she plans on doing when her mission group goes back there. It is still unknown to them when they will return to the people of Guatemala but they hope that they have in the end influenced them to still have hope that better things are to come.

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