Students Define The Meaning To The Word Fun

Playing her instrument, Annalise Piazza experiences her definition of fun. Photo by: Kent Gosky

By Kent Gosky

Every person has a unique definition of the word fun. Whether it is enjoying a game of football or sitting down and playing a video game, there are plenty of ways to interpret the meaning of fun.
Every day, every moment, down to the second, people go through a routine for that day. That day always holds something for someone, whether it is basketball practice, a speech rehearsal before a competition, or just interacting with people with a sense of humor.
That is something that possibly rivals the definition of fun.

Fun is a word that is used so lightly, yet holds such greater meaning than people realize. People enjoy fun in all sorts of different ways, counting on those people to be themselves. For sophomore John Stillson, “Fun is something that causes you to be happy and enjoy yourself.”

Certain memories are meant to be kept, most students they hold on to these memories for something that they can laugh at later in life. For freshman Annalise Piazza it is. “All those times when you laugh so hard that you cry. A recent time of having fun was when I had a bunch of friends over and we rolled down my hill for like a half an hour in the freezing cold. It was so much fun,” Piazza said.

Everyone has a place where he/she  can venture to when looking for fun, it all depends on that person and what his/her own interests are. With sophomore Mason Reed this definitely applies to him. He can have fun, “anywhere that does not involve a city,” Reed explains. Whenever he wants to have fun, he does. “Sports, play with my sisters, and drive around to see my cousins.”

While others such as freshman Ryan MacLain view fun as enjoying life. “In the winter I really like going snowboarding, and in fall playing football,” MacLain explained. While he may be able to do these activities, he also has plenty of fun with family and friends, “Because I know my friends very well and I’m close with my family so we all like know what we should do when the time is right.”

While MacLain’s ideas are all activities that can take place outside of school, there are activities that take place within the school everyday. For freshman Cody Gamble, having a little fun within school is quite simple, he would normally find himself, “talking to my friends.” For sophomore Benjamin Lapp, having fun in school is simply something, “that actually catches your attention.” For others such as freshman Samantha Grant hobbies throw a bit of fun her way during and outside of school. Her favorite hobbies are, “volleyball and singing.” With her taking choir this year, singing is easily equipped to her daily schedule.

While fun is something that people can enjoy in their own life time, in whatever style may fit that person, it is still all the same. Fun is still a unique word that holds greater meaning to someone no matter who is asking. Fun will always be a universal term that holds a message to any student or person.

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