The local newspaper, The Pilot News, along with the local news channels, are great ways for students to keep up with daily local current events. Photo by: Michaela Moreno
By Michaela Moreno
Every day of every year, something new happens that impacts the world. It is hard to imagine that outside the little town of Plymouth, Indiana, there are tragedies and celebrations occurring all over the world, current events that citizens here will never experience head on.
Even though students are miles away from presidential debates, many feel that this is one of the most important events happening right now. Junior Emily Berger says that she is not into politics, but she feels that people should be aware of the presidential race. “It’s our decision after all,” said Berger. Sophomores Alejandra Luva and Miguel Baca both feel that the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) is another current event that is just as important. “If such act passes through the congress, it will make the unemployment rate skyrocket and fundamental standards will decrease,” Baca explained.
There are many different genres of events that are happening right now. A common genre of news is tragedy. Luva finds tragic events to be interesting. She likes to follow along in the investigations to find out what exactly happened in such accidents. Berger, on the other hand, looks up events that are happening either locally or nationally. “I like to know what’s going on within our nation and how it can affect us in the future,” Berger said.
There are various resources available for students to use when it comes to finding out what is happening in the world. Watching the Today Show and WSBT South Bend is how sophomore Colt Weir keeps up with the news. Junior Miriah Bowen prefers the online newspapers. Junior Kayla Guyberson has no preference when it comes to her news sources. She watches the local news every night and checks Google News, along with Yahoo! News everyday. Guyberson says that because of her routine, she is in the loop with a lot of things.
All though there are several people who keep up to date on what is new. There are just as many people who do not bother to learn what is going on in the world. Berger, along with others, feel that people should listen or at least read the news. “They’d get more out of it than they think,” said Berger.