Students are Lost in Music and Entertainment

Computers, MP3's and iPods are just some of the ways students hold and listen to music. Photo by: Kathryn Sommers

By Kathryn Sommers

During their quiet time, while doing homework  and before the game, students like to listen to their music to keep them focused on what they are doing.

Technology is a part of everyone’s lives now. There are many people in today’s society that have some type of handheld device. Sophomore Jordan Pratt said, “I have had an iPod for 2 years.” Freshmen Cassi Quissell said she has had an iPod for about two years also. For others, they have multiple devices they use. Junior Brenda Herrera said, “I have an MP3 player, 2 iPods, and a cell phone that I store my music in. Out of all those, I usually just use my phone. I’ve had them for a while now.”

Students all have their own reasons why they need or want iPods or MP3 players. The reasons are either for games, music, entertainment, or just because everyone else has one. Sophomore Kelcy Berger said, “It’s convenient when you need to listen to music and you’re not around a stereo or radio.” Junior Bryce England said he loves music and it is a part of his life. Along with that, senior Christine Banghart said, “I have one because I love music. It’s like the only way I can escape from situations going on around me.”

For some students, if they want something, all they have to do is just ask for it and they may get it for Christmas or as a birthday gift. Sophomore Dylan Cox had his iPod given to him as a gift for Christmas. Others, if they want something really badly, they must work hard to get that object. Banghart bought her device because she wanted to be able to listen to music whenever she wanted.

During his free time in class, sophomore Dylan Cox listening to music from his computer. Photo provided by: Dylan Cox

Students who have a handheld device are lost without their music or games, so if they lost it for one day, they would be lost. Senior Andrew Youst listens to his music everyday. Berger said, “I listen to music when I’m doing homework, reading or just chilling at home.”  Pratt listens to it almost every night before she go to sleep. Some listen to music before meets or games to get themselves focused. Quissell listens to music mostly before a meet, or to get pumped or to focus.

There are times that students need music to keep them focus. Others like to listen to music when they’re doing homework or just relaxing. Banghart said, “When I am on the bus or in a class where we have independent work time, I listen to music because music blocks out the noise around me.” Herrera listens to music mostly during school because it helps her keep to herself and get her stuff done, “It’s also common for me to put my earbuds in when I’m going to bed because it helps me fall asleep!”

Everyone has his or his own preference. Earbuds are smaller and head phones are bigger.  Youst is an earbuds kind of person. England agreed with Youst; he uses earbuds.

One may go to a concert or another loud event and have some hearing problems. The loud music is not good for one’s ears when one is in a closed in place. Cox said, “Sometimes I can’t hear for a few minutes.” After a loud concert it may affect one’s hearing for just a minute or two or for a few hours. Berger said, “Things get kind of muffled, and I end up talking really loud. That’s after I leave, like heavy metal concerts.” Pratt added, “After a concert, I had trouble hearing for a couple minutes.”

People know that when they get older, their eye sight and hearing get worse but do others know that people can make it worse just by listening to loud music on their earbuds. Students have loud pounding noises on their ear drums which can cause one to have hearing loss at an earlier age. Herrera said, “I know it is bad to listen to your music loud while using ear-buds because it can damage your ear drum.” Pratt said, “I know that if you listen to music that is too loud and all the time, then you may have problems.”

Music is something that has been around for many many years. People enjoy music; students have made it a part of their lives.

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