Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs of the Black Forest Takes the Stage

By Maggie Morrow

Cast members rehearse a scene from this year’s production of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs of the Black Forest. Photo by: Christina Chipman

Each fall, the Theater Department puts together a family-friendly play for children from surrounding areas to enjoy.  This year, the first trimester acting class will be taking the stage as the cast of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs of the Black Forest.
Although the public must wait to see the production until Friday, November 5, there are four children’s shows open to elementary classes; two on Thursday and two on Friday during the school day.  “My favorite part of the class is when we do the children’s shows.  It’s really fun to see them all file in and be excited to see the show,” says junior Kelsey Shaffer.  Elementary students from Plymouth and several surrounding towns come to see the interactive show.  “There’s so much energy when the kids are involved,” Shaffer also adds.
Like Shaffer, everyone has their own favorite parts of the theater class. Whether it be spending time with all the other cast members, or a specific scene, they have all enjoyed many laughs together.  “My favorite part of class is when we are having fun and the whole class is laughing hardcore about something someone said,” says senior Olivia Houin.  While senior Lauren Kelso most appreciates the freedom given during class, junior Olivia Hilliard says, “I love acting, spending time with my friends, and expressing myself as a different person.”
Putting all fun aside, however, the cast has a rigorous and time-consuming schedule in preparation for the show.  Class time each day is dedicated to running through scenes, preparing costumes and make-up, making programs, organizing advertisements and more.  Each student is on a committee involving one of these many needs for preparation, each with their own duties.  Also, two weeks prior to the show, there are mandatory dress rehearsals every night for about two to three hours.  “Since I have been in many other shows, I know what to expect.  However, for the new people it is probably more work than they expected because a lot of effort goes into these shows,” states Kelso.
With so much to do, most of the students find themselves rehearsing lines at home or during down time in other classes.  Houin admits to practicing her lines for about one to two hours on the nights before memorization tests.  “Practice is key.  The more you practice, the better you know your lines and then you can focus more on creating a fun character,” states Shaffer.  Although senior Sarah Gouker is not at all overwhelmed with her work load, she does say that keeping in character as the bunny she portrays can sometimes be challenging.  Junior Connor Flynn, like Gouker, sometimes finds a challenge impersonating his character as a dwarf.  “It is kind of funny that dwarfs are short and I’m one of the tallest people in class,” he jokes.
Although the concept of being child-friendly is in no way new, some students feel as though there are several different aspects this year that may take some getting used to.  “I think this play is more modernized than some,” Shaffer states.  “It’s super fun and different because last year we didn’t have animals,” Hilliard says in comparison with last year’s production of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.  Shaffer also adds that there are many surprises in store for this year’s production.  “I love acting and I always have.”

“I just hope that everyone likes the play this year,” says senior Jordin Cook.  “There is a princess in this one, what more could you want?”

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