This trimester five freshmen, one sophomore, and two juniors have joined the Pilgrim Perspective Journalism class. All of the students took this class for a variety of reasons. One of the most popular being they love to write. Photo by: Patricia Ortiz
By Patricia Ortiz
The rise of winter does not slow down the writers of the Pilgrim Perspective Online. With the arrival of fresh new perspectives to the newspaper, it will sure be full of new creative stories.
The second trimester of the 2011-2012 year has the Journalism room full of fresh new faces. There are eight new students enrolled in the journalism class. The new students include five freshmen, one sophomore, and two juniors. Each and everyone of these students joined the journalism class for a variety of reasons. The most common reason among the new students to take the class was that they like to write. Freshman Hunter Stevens was one of them stating, “I took this class because I really love to write, and I wanted to know if I would be interested in this specific type of writing.” Freshman Rebeca Lee joined the journalism staff because in junior high she had been on the newspaper staff and she wanted to re do the marvelous experience of taking a simple question and turning it into an amazing story.
The new trimester has only been in session for two weeks, but the new students have already found something about the class that they like. Junior Brandon Heims favorite aspect of the newspaper has been, “The teamwork that you have, I like the group that I am with, they all seem nice and fun. Plus, they are very helpful.”
High school is a time in which students explore a variety of different classes to help them learn what they want to be in the future. For junior Hayley Morris Journalism was just a class to take because she loves to write. Yet for Morris, being a journalist is not what she wants to be when she grows up but rather be “a first grade teacher” because “I love working with little kids.” For freshman Haylee Schuh, becoming a journalist is her second option because she really wants to be an, “anesthesiologist which is a doctor that gives a patient anesthesia during surgery. I want to be this because I love to be around people and care for them and I am usually very intellectual.” For Lee Journalism is a career she wants to pursue because, “my brother was going to go for journalism. I want to live his dream and mine as well.”
The stories that writers create are usually a reflection of their personality. In the journalism classroom the stories that people write are chosen by them. Freshman Logan Richards would write an article about, “something Political or related to something about the presidential campaign. Also, I would not mind writing about science or technology.” Freshman Alaynee Mora would write about, “the dances or the events that is going on. The ‘big’ thing at school like the finals or sweetheart.”
The new students in journalism have activities other than writing articles. Sophomore Shelby Harrell’s after school activities change with the passing of the seasons, “during the winter I will go after school and get some help with my homework, or run, or during the spring, I will either be in track, or do the academic Super bowl.” Beside being enrolled in the journalism class Schuh has two other activities, “basketball and I ride horses.” The different interests and activities that the students have are sure to bring in many new perspectives to the Pilgrim Perspective Online.