The Cold Breeze That Approaches Will Change Students’ Activities

A chilly breeze knocks the remaining leaves off a tree on Plymouth High School campus. Photo By: Michaela Moreno

By Michaela Moreno

Now that the weather is changing so are student’s activities. Trees will become leafless, and students will be raking. Snow will be falling, and teachers will be plowing. It is that time of year when the majority of people pull out an extra blanket for a toasty night.

Some students like to stay toasty not only at night but all day long like senior Shaylee Vice. During the cold weather she tends to stay inside. “I think the snow is so pretty to look at but so terrible to be out in,” Vice says laughing. Junior Marissa German, on the other hand, disagrees. “I tend to go outside a lot and go sledding! I love everything about cold weather, and it is the best time of the year,” said German.

All year long, there are some students who depend on their family members for transportation. When the cold weather comes around, a family member does not want to go outside to take his/her child to a friend’s house if it is not necessary. Like junior Kyra Christy, who does not get to go anywhere. “No one wants to leave the house or pick me up,” Christy said. Besides the cold chill of going in and out, there is also the hassle of putting layer upon layer of clothing for protection against the cold.

With all the downfalls to cold weather, it is a surprise that students would still want to go outside; however, they have a lot of things that can be done only during the winter season. Senior Taylor Jones recommends building snow forts and having an “epic” snowball fight. After that, one could enjoy gathering around a fireplace with family and friends and have a good time like sophomore Emily Eveland recommended. Then there is the all time classic cold weather drink that many students are familiar with, hot cocoa.

Whether students are inside or outside, it is almost guaranteed that they will have themselves a good time surrounded by friends and family.

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