Students Tell Their Test Taking Tips

Mr. Plothow assists Taylor Shively with her homework. Photo by: Reneh Gambrel

By Reneh Gambrel

Students take tests that vary in importance for each class. Some tests are worth more than others, and PHS students discuss tips they would give to keep calm and be successful.

Freshman Kennedy Jones has a fear of taking important tests. Jones reports that she does her best to overcome that fear, and that she manages to stay calm by “taking deep breaths and concentrating on the questions on the paper.” Jones says her number one tip is to stay focused because being nervous is her biggest cause of distraction.

Senior Connor Flynn has a more musical approach to taking tests. Flynn suggests making a song out of the subject to remember things by or listening to music to calm nerves. Flynn also says that eating a nutritious breakfast should help students’ test scores generously.

Sophomore Hope Babcock is of the opinion that if students pay attention in class, they should pass the test with ease. Babcock also believes studying is very important for success.

Freshman Melissa Slater says that she has more of a pessimistic attitude before taking a test. Slater often is of the belief that she will not pass the test, but to stay optimistic and focused, she brings all of her attention onto the test, occasionally tapping her pencil on the desk as a habit. Her number one tip would be to, “remember things as you go along and speak up in class if you don’t understand something.”

Taking important tests can be very stressful, but with the right attitude and remembrance skills, students can pass even the most difficult tests.

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