End of School Year Marks Beginning of Summer Fashion

Junior Sam Hellinga is looking forward to creating her own style this summer. Photo by: Matthew Libersky

By Lauren Rearick

As the temperature rises and the days grow longer, many PHS students are swapping their spring styles for the latest summer trends.

The world of fashion is constantly evolving, and popular styles change on a weekly basis.  However, some items never seem to go out of style and have been summer staples for years.  Senior Sarah Gouker said, “My favorite summer staples are big sunglasses, tank tops, and swimsuits!”  Junior Sam Hellinga also listed tank tops as one of her summer must-haves, along with aviators.  Sophomore Maddy Good said, “Flip-flops, floral, bright colors, and jean shorts never seem to go out of style.”
This season, such staples will be mixed with popular new trends.  Gouker said, “Flowers, stripes, and bows seem to be popular.  I keep seeing more patterns and solids instead of name brands.”  Sophomore Audrey Samuelson stated, “I have seen a lot of girls wearing rompers lately.”  Good named bright colors and cute sunglasses as the hottest items of the summer.
For information on the latest trends, students look to many different sources, including magazines and celebrities.  Hellinga said, “I like looking through fashion magazines.”  Good also looks to magazines for fashion advice, saying, “I love Seventeen magazine!” Sophomore Alexandria Schaffer, on the other hand, finds inspiration in her own closet and creates her own style.  Likewise,  Samuelson wears what she likes, regardless of what is considered fashionable.  “I don’t pay a lot of attention to fashion.  I just buy whatever I like,” Samuelson said.
Whether PHS students follow trends or not, they all have favorite stores that supply them with the majority of their summer wardrobe.  Hellinga said, “I love to shop at PacSun and Forever 21.”  Gouker and Schaffer both plan to shop at Kohls this season, while Samuelson said, “I will definitely go to American Eagle.  I buy everything there.”

Many stores will be full of this year’s most popular patterns, which include floral and stripes.  Good said, “I will be wearing floral all the way!”  Samuelson also listed floral as her favorite print, along with Hellinga.  “I’m thinking I’ll be wearing a lot of floral prints this summer.  I will probably wear a lot of solid, mellow colors as well,” Hellinga said.  Schaffer said she will be wearing a lot of bright and bold patterns this season.

Summer can serve as the perfect opportunity to create a unique and one-of-a-kind look that doesn’t necessarily match with the trends.  Samuelson said, “I just go with whatever I feel like and do not change my clothing based on trends.”  Hellinga does not base her wardrobe on what is in style either, saying, “I wear whatever I like and if it happens to fit the trend, then neat.  If it doesn’t, that’s all right, too.”  Good said, “I only follow the trends sometimes.”  Likewise, Gouker only follows trends occasionally.  “I follow popular summer styles sometimes, but summer is really all about looking cute, having fun, and getting a tan!”

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