By Patricia Ortiz
People often recognize pink as the color that symbolizes breast cancer awareness. On August 5-7 pink will be the predominate color of the Susan G. Komen 3-Day Walk. This year two of PHS’s teachers, Miss Ashley Boardman and Mrs. Jyll McNeil, will be walking for the Susan G. Komen Walk for Breast Cancer.
The Susan G. Komen 3-Day walk is, “a 60 mile walk over a 3 day period (20 miles each day) that takes place all over the country. We are doing the walk in Chicago, IL on Aug. 5-7. Participants sleep in tents provided, enjoy live music, great food and meet amazing people who support breast cancer awareness and have struggled with the disease themselves. All proceeds go to helping fund breast cancer research and to help find the cure,”Miss Boardman said.
The Susan G. Komen Walk will be taking place in Chicago, Illinois. According to Miss Boardman the people participating in the race will not know the route they are walking until a month before the race. Wherever the route takes the walkers the purpose is still the same; to raise money for finding a cure to breast cancer.
For Miss Boardman, this is her first year walking for the Susan G. Komen Walk for Breast Cancer. Miss Boardman joined the walk because she, “heard about this walk and always thought it would be a unique and rewarding experience to take part in. Mrs. McNeil had signed up for the walk and asked me to join the team. I couldn’t resist!”
Just because people want to walk does not guarantee that people will be able to walk. In order to participate in the walk, both teachers have to raise $2300.00. Both teachers raised money by selling items at the Lincoln Junior High School Craft Show. Miss Boardman said, “We each still have to raise around $2,000.00 before the walk. We are currently looking for easy fundraisers that will bring in enough money. We are looking to have a booth at the local TaTa Trot in June. We will be hosting a teacher luncheon on May 20th from 11:00 – 12:45 in Mrs. McNeil’s classroom. Turkey and noodles, mashed potatoes, greenbeans, dessert and beverages will be served. All proceeds go to the walk. Anyone interested in donating to the cause can visit, call 1-800-996-3DAY, or see Mrs. McNeil or me for a donation form. If donating online or by phone you will need to search by our names (Ashley Boardman and Jyll McNeil).”
Miss Boardman will be walking with a team during the Susan G. Komen Walk. “Mrs. McNeil is walking along with some of her friends from Chicago and Valparaiso. Our team name is ‘I’m a Little B Cup’,” said Miss Boardman.